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The Portiuncula

Newsletter of the Capuchin Franciscan Province of Our Lady of the Angels

Winter 2001

This past November the friars and the parish of Our Lady of Angels celebrated 75 years of presence and ministry. In his letter to the parishioners Bro. Gerald Barron, pastor, reminded the people of the mustard seed parable. It is the smallest of seeds but can grow to be the largest of plants. Our Lady of Angels in Burlingame California has grown from 200 families in 1926 to 2050 households in 2001. Bro. Gerald concluded his letter with these words, "As we celebrate this 75th Anniversary of Our Lady of Angels Parish, we thank God for the many blessings He has showered on us. May we build on what we have received from the past to an ever-deeper love for God and each other."

Brothers celebrate Our Lafy of Angels' 75th year

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