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Province Mourns Loss of Pioneer Friar Emilian

Pioneer Friar Emilian Meade, OFMCap
Bro. Emilian Meade was born in Knocknagree, Co. Cork in Ireland on May 8, 1919, son of John and Helena Meade. He was educated at Rochestown College and joined the Capuchins in 1938 and was ordained a priest in 1946. Beginning in 1947, he became involved in the various ministries of the Capuchins in California. For many years he taught at St. Francis High School in La Cañada, CA and Mater Dei in Santa Ana. He was also the Custos Provincial of what is now the Province of Our Lady of Angels. Bro. Emilian was also guardian of San Lorenzo in Santa Ynez, associate pastor of Our Lady of Angels in Burlingame, as well as a hospital chaplain and guardian of the Fresno community. He spent the last ten years of his life in retirement at Our Lady of Angels in Burlingame. He is survived by his sister, Sr. Mary Carmela, RSM, and his nephew, Fr. Michael Mahoney of this Province and nephews and nieces John Meade, Patrick Meade, Charles Meade, Gabrielle O'Mahony and Therese Murphy. Emilian was highly respected and deelply loved by his family, friends and the friars. He will be rememberd by all as a very sincere, gentle and lovely man. As a friar he lived a very simple life. A Vigil and Rosary were held in Burlingame on Augst 7th and a Funeral Mass was celebrated at Our Lady of Angels on August 8th. At the vigil and funeral Fr. Michael Mahony spoke with humor and love of his dear Uncle John as we friars called Emilian. We all enjoyed the stories and lovely remembered our dear Bro. Emilian.

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