Palm OS Dates for Capuchins

Mac instructions

  1. Download the tab separated text files you want: If your web browser just shows you the file of dates, just select from the "File" menu "Save As...". Your browser may instead be set to just save the file to disk directly. Here are the files to get:
  2. Open the Palm Desktop Application on your Mac
  3. Under the "File" menu, select "Import"
  4. In the first dialog box select one on the two files you just downloaded
  5. In next dialog box:

    1. in the "Fields:" pop-up menu, select "Calendar"
    2. in the "Deliminator:" pop-up menu, select "Tab & Return"
    3. Press "OK" button
  6. Repeat for each file you wish
  7. Do a "Hot Sync" to send them to your PalmOS PDA

Windows instructions

  1. Download the *.pda files you want:
  2. If your browser didn't already unzip the files, use some utility to convert the *.zip files to *.dba files
  3. Open the Palm Desktop Application in windows
  4. From the "View" Menu select "Date Book" (or press the F2 key)
  5. Under the "File" menu, select "Import"

  6. In the next dialog box select one of the two files you just downloaded
  7. Repeat for each file you want to import
  8. Do a "Hot Sync" to send the new dates to your PalmOS PDA