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Keep in your prayers...

Let us remember those who are ill, especially Bro. Joseph Quattropane, Bro. James Johnson, Mr. Manuel Lopes, father of Bro. Rick Lopes, and Mr. Robert Barbato, father of Bro. Bob Barbato.

Please remember in your prayers those who have died:

  • Mrs. María Gómez, sister of Bro. Julián González-Montenegro
  • Mrs. Betty Talbott, mother of Bro. Ron Talbott
  • Bro. Enda Heffernan, Our Lady of Angels Province
  • Bro. Emilian Meade, Our Lady of Angels Province, uncle of Bro. Michael Mahoney
  • Miss Camille Slominski, sister of Bro. Joseph Slominski
  • Mrs. Leona Riley, mother of Bro. Eugene Ludwig
  • Mr. Phil Kearney, father of Bro. Chris Kearney
  • Mr. Art Wischman, uncle of Bro. Lance Love
  • Miss Kathleen O'Sullivan, sister of Bro. Tim Joe O'Sullivan

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