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Handy PalmOS date files
Br. Joseph Seraphin's First Vows
Br. Joseph Seraphin Dederick, OFMCap professed first vows
On November 24, 2001 Brother Joseph Seraphin Dederick professed first vows at San Lorenzo Friary after completing his novitiate year. Bro. Joseph Seraphin is currently residing at St. Conrad's Friary in Berkeley; Bro. Joseph Seraphin is a native of Loomis, California and went to college in Santa Barbara. He graduated from UCSB with a BA in Music. His speciality was acoustic guitar. Bro. Joseph's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Dederick, live in Loomis, CA. Brother has two siblings- Marlene and Carl. In January Bro. Joseph will begin intensive studies in Spanish. What attracted him to the Capuchins was the sense of joy that the brothers live out. Brother Joseph Seraphin we congratulate you and wish you every blessing as you continue to live out your vocation as a Capuchin.
Br. Quoc's Ordination
Br. Quoc Nguyen, OFM Cap.
On September 28, 2001 the Capuchins of the Province joined together with the Observant Franciscans of the Santa Barbara Province to celebrate the ordinations of two of their friars, Brothers Edgar Maga\0x96a, OFM and Quoc Nguyen, OFM Cap. The ordination took place at St. Elizabeth's Church in Oakland and the ordaining prelate was Bishop Ricardo García, long time friend of the Franciscans in California. The ordination liturgy was very well attended and was graced with the music of two choirs; one choir was from St. Elizabeth and sang in Spanish and English and the other choir was from St. Boniface and sang in Vietnamese. The friars congratulate their brother Quoc on his ordination and wish him many blessings as he ministers to God's people. Currently Bro. Quoc is residing at San Buenaventura, San Francisco.
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