An Introduction To White's Tree Frogs
- Scientific name is Litoria caerulea
- The name "White's" comes from the
name of the man who discovered the species
- From Australia, Indonesia, New Guinea and
were introduced into New Zealand
- Average size is about 4 inches snout to vent,
with females usually being larger than males
- Hearty frog; good for beginners
- Can live up to 15 years; known case of a
white's living 21 years in captivity.
- Color variations: green, bluish green, and
- Active at night and will usually sleep/hide
during the day
- Look plump and can become obese. Usually
will gorge themselves with food if they have
the chance
- Also known as "Dumpy Tree Frog",
"Australian Dumpy", "Indonesian
Palm Valley, Australia