(links for herp related sites and other interesting sites)

Herp Supplies:

Reptile Depot sells herps and supplies
Big Apple Herpetological variety of reptile and amphibian supplies
Black Jungle they also carry both herps and supplies
Fluker Farms a site to order feedr insects
Zoo Med Laboratories they sell supplies
Herp Mall a huge listing or breeders, suppliers, and other herp related stuff they have a good tree frog message board
Petsmart online pet store with accessories

Other White's Webpages:

Frogland lots of info on White's.


Borknagar interesting metal band from Norway
The Misfits punk band
Moonspell metal band from portugal

Celldweller Klay Scott's industrial band
Criss Angel industrial band
Star Chamber my boyfriends industrial metal band


Comedy Central comedy channel site
Darwich Gallery very cool gifts
The Old Curiosity Shop links to gothic stores