
In case you want to use this picture for your campaign (e.g. put it on buttons or a t-shirt) here you find it in various formats. You are free to use it as long as you don't make commercial use of it.
Dependent on what you want to do with this pictures you may need different formats. While for internet applications a small picture with low resolution is needed, you might need higher resolution pictures for professional printing.

I mad T-shirts and mousepads with the files bigInQ.jpg and Muispad.gif

On size and formate:

The result will strongly depend on your software.
However all pictures have resolutions which lead to the following size:

1200 dpi (high resolution)-> 5 x 5 cm
600 dpi (standard print resolution) -> 10 x 10 cm
72 dpi (monitor resolution)-> 80 x 80 cm

watch out with the files:
600dpi.gif and 1200 dpi.gif
they contain a watermark which may  (dependent on your printer and/or software) show an additional gray text if printed.

I recommend to use the "clean" files

bigInQ.jpg and MUISPAD.gif

Every printer should be able to adjust size and resolution to your needs.

Be aware that if you click on GIF and JPG pictures in your browser, they will need more space on your computer (pixel size) than the original file size.(e.g. the biggest file here has a pixel size of 15M while the file size is only 632k.). If you are short of memory on your computer this may cause problems. So if you use Netscape I would recommend that you click with your right mouse button on the link and use "save link as" instead of doubble clicking on the link followed by saving.

I am the legitimate copy right owner of the presented pictures. You are free to use them for non commercial use.

I case you have trouble with these files or just want to contact me , you can mail to:
It also would be nice if you could send me a brief note in case you use the picture (but the most important thing is that it gets used)

Burghard Ilge

Credits go to:
Norbert Mai (who offered (t)his diskspace on the web) and John Korve who made the primary drawing (for a beer and a symbolic amount of money).


Resolution: 72 dpi
size: 80,01 x 80,43 cm
pixel: 2268 x 2280
pixel dimensions (size as bitmap): 14.8M
file size as JPG file: 435.226 bytes (425 kB)


Resolution: 72 dpi
size: 75,49 x 70,84 cm
pixel: 2140 x 2008
pixel dimensions (size as bitmap): 4.1M
file size as JPG file: 275.607 bytes (269 kB)


Resolution: 600 dpi
size: 10 x 9.38 cm
pixel: 2362 x 2215
pixel dimensions (size as bitmap): 5M
file size as JPG file: 324.580 bytes (316 kB)


Resolution: 600 dpi
size: 10 x 9.38 cm
pixel: 2362 x 2216
pixel dimensions (size as bitmap): 15M
file size as JPG file: 647.849 bytes (632 kB)


Resolution: 1200 dpi
size: 5 x 4,69 cm
pixel: 2362 x 2216
pixel dimensions (size as bitmap): 15M
file size as JPG file: 647.849 bytes (632 kB)