Basic & Field Biology:

Taxonomy -

      Note - The traditional mnemonic ( memory device ) for memorizing the categories of
      taxonomy ( biological classification ) is: "Kings play chess or forfeit good soldiers." 
      That is: Kings     Kingdom ,
               play      Phylum,
               chess     Class,
               or        Order,
               forfeit   Family,
               good      Genus,
               soldiers  Species.
  Professional biologists, especially if they're "lumpers" or "splitters", tend to 
  create  Sub-  or Super-  varieties of the above as well.

  ( Sub-note: The plural of: Phylum is Phyla, of Genus is Genera, and of Species is Species ! ) 

  ( Sub-sub-note:  In the meantime I found out botanists use Division & Sub-division 
    instead of Phylum, etc. )

Geography -