Earth Day Every Day - Our Earth Day Every Day site is part of our main website, which details the work of The Wilderness Society, building a nationwide network of wildlands for today and for the future. Earth Day Network - A half billion people worldwide will participate in Earth Day 2000 - the biggest environmental event in history. There are lots of ways to get involved, some of which you can do without even getting out of bed. Official International Earth Day Site - All individuals and institutions have a mutual responsibility to now act as Trustees of Earth, seeking the choices in ecology, economics and ethics that will eliminate pollution, poverty and violence, foster peaceful progress, awaken the wonder of life, and realize the best potential for the future of the human adventure. Earth Day Canada - Fabulous key resources that will help you address environmental degradation and pollution. Sign up for a FREE subscription or download the latest issue(s) and help us make every day Earth Day. Earth First! - The Radical Environmental Journal - Are you tired of namby-pamby environmental groups? Are you tired of overpaid corporate environmentalists who suck up to bureaucrats and industry? Have you become disempowered by the reductionist approach of environmental professionals and scientists? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Earth First! is for you. Headwaters Forest Earth First! - EF!ers believe that the situation we face is so serious, and the changes demanded by it so massive that the only solution is for people to take their future in their hands and physically halt further destruction of nature, while creating a classless ecological society which will transcend the present one. Earth First UK - The name Earth First! is an exclamation, hence the exclamation mark. It is not the name of an organization; it is a philosophy and a strong expression of a desire held by a growing number of people. There are no leaders, and no single philosophy other than that in the slogan itself. Ecospheric Ethics - A collection of ecological, philosophical, spiritual, economic, religious and cultural articles, editorials and reviews inquiring into and exploring the values of, and our duties to, the Ecosphere, natural ecosystems and to their wild species. Left Biocentrism - Left biocentrism is a left focus or theoretical tendency within the deep ecology movement, which is subversive of the existing industrial society. An Argument Against Normative Ecocentrism - Homepage of James Fieser, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee at Martin. Philosophy of Education - This essay is a response to Li. The Relevance of the Anthropocentric-Ecocentric Debate - Dale T. Snauwaert, Adelphi University. Ecofeminism Web Ring - Trying to locate the resources you want on the internet is often frustrating so with this in mind I thought it would make sense to compile an ecofeminism web-ring in which all the major web resources can be linked together. Ecofeminism Class Web Site, USC - Welcome to our Web Site! We're glad you could make it to see our class's enormous collection of web sites related to Ecofeminism. Ecofeminism on the Web Ecofeminism, as an analysis and a social movement, has the advantage that it is rather simple to explain. In most contexts, the ubiquitous and ambiguous phrase of "Mother Earth" can serve as a useful device in explaining to others just exactly what ecofeminism is. Introduction to Ecofeminism - The past few decades have witnessed an enormous interest in both the women's movement and the ecology (environmental) movement. Many feminists have argued that the goals of these two movements are mutually reinforcing; ultimately they involve the development of worldviews and practices that are not based on male-biased models of domination. Ecofeminist Philosophy Research Base and Study Guide - This website features thousands of annotated links and text resources for students and teachers in the field of Ecofeminist and Environmental philosophy. Endangered Species Home Page, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Endangered Species Home Page, Links to the Endangered Species program, listing activities, recovery activities, outreach activities, publications, and frequently asked questions of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Endangered Species on EE-Link - EE-Link is a participant in the Environmental Education and Training Partnership (EETAP) of the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE). SeaWorld/Busch Gardens Animal Information Database - The ocean and its inhabitants fascinate us, and this fascination leads to a quest for knowledge and deeper understanding. Although it is our intent to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information available, it is possible that some of this information may change as research continues and new discoveries are made. The nature of science is ever changing. Natural Wildlife Federation - Endangered Habitats Home Page - The National Wildlife Federation focuses its work on specific core area environmental issues. Select from one of the six areas below to learn what NWF is doing to educate, inspire, and assist people to conserve our precious natural resources. - The Rarest Info Around - is dedicated to providing all the best endangered species information, links, books, and publications regarding rare and endangered species. This site also includes information about conservation efforts and endangered species organizations that are dedicated to saving and preserving the world's most endangered wildlife and plant life. Gaia Friends - Here we explore the Gaia Hypothesis as first stated by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis in 1972 and now considered, by some, to be the Gaia Theory. For those of us who are truly concerned about the survival of our biosphere, this thesis has many useful applications. Some of the more recent applications of the Gaia Hypothesis are presented in James Lovelock's book "Healing Gaia: Practical Medicine for the Planet", Harmony Books/New York, 1991. Center for Frontier Sciences - Lynn Margulis This is a list of internet-accessible resources on the work of Prof. Lynn Margulis, one of the scientists who proposed the Gaia Hypothesis. The Gaia Hypothesis - Our Planet - Mother Earth - is a Living Being and all life forms are her offspring. Therefore we humans could be said to be "Her" children, with the inherent ability to become super-conscious adults. An Overview of the Gaia Hypothesis - James Lovelock's Gaia Hypothesis: Past, Present, and Future by Michael Farb. Lovelock (1979) defines the Gaia hypothesis as follows: This postulates that the physical and chemical condition of the surface of the Earth, of the atmosphere, and of the oceans has been and is actively made fit and comfortable by the presence of life itself. GAIA - The Society for Research and Education in Earth System Science - The Gaia Society has been formed for both research and education in a comprehensible Earth system science and to help in the distribution of its results and predictions. It is a professional organisation and it welcomes practitioners and students from a variety of backgrounds. Greenpeace International: Climate - Greenpeace has identified global climate change as one of the greatest threats to the planet. Governments and scientists alike have agreed that the problem is real, and serious. Global Climate Change Home - Government of Canada - Welcome to the Government of Canada's web site on global climate change. This site has been developed to inform Canadians about climate change and how it affects our environment. The site explains what the Government of Canada is doing to address the problems of climate change and how all Canadians--individuals, communities, businesses, industries and every level of government--can take action to help protect our environment. Global Climate Change Digest - The Global Climate Change Digest is an interdisciplinary guide to current general and technical information related to climate change resulting from human activities, particularly global warming by greenhouse gases and stratospheric ozone depletion. Edited by Dr. Frederick O'Hara, it is published monthly in hardcopy by the Center for Environmental Information, Inc (CEI, in Rochester, NY) a private, nonprofit organization providing information through its publications, educational programs, conferences and library. US Dept of the Interior Geological Survey - Global Change Research Program - The USGS Global Change Research Program is a component of the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), complementing research and observations on oceanic, atmospheric, and biological processes in other Federal agencies. Global Climate Change Information Programme - The Global Climate Change Information Programme has established a comprehensive series of essays dealing with the issues of contemporary climate change and global warming: Greenhouse Effect - The greenhouse effect results from "the dirty of the atmospheric infrared window" by some atmospheric trace gases, permitting incoming solar radiation to reach the surface of the Earth unhindered but restricting the outward flow of infrared radiation. These atmospheric trace gases are referred as greenhouse gases. They absorb and reradiate this outgoing radiation, effectively storing some of the heat in the atmosphere, thus producing a net warming of the surface. The process is called the greenhouse effect. IEA Greenhouse Gas R & D Programme - Greenhouse gases have been accumulating in the atmosphere since the industrial revolution, almost 250 years ago. Where are these gases coming from? Are they changing the climate? NASA - Greenhouse Effect - A planet's atmosphere can sometimes serve as a trap of radiant heat and energy. A photon of energy can enter, but cannot easily find its way out again, somewhat like a pinball in a pinball machine. National Association of Forest Industries - The Greenhouse Effect - The earth is surrounded by gases that act like a blanket to keep it warm. We call these greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide (CO2) is among them. Scientists call this warming the greenhouse effect. It is a natural feature of planet earth and helps provide the environment for living things, including people. Without greenhouse gases the earth would be too cold for life. Greenhouse Effect - The Greenhouse Effect is an extremely vital process where INFRARED (IR) rays from the sun come into the Earth's atmosphere. The atmosphere then traps these rays after they have come in (like the glass in a greenhouse) keeping the Earth warm and habitable. CO2 (carbon dioxide), N2O(nitrous oxide), and CH4(methane) are destroying the atmosphere, causing more INFRARED (IR) rays to reflect on Earth. Greenpeace International Homepage - Greenpeace is an independent and non-political, international organisation, dedicated to the protection of the environment by peaceful means. Greenpeace Images - Greenpeace images reflect the concerns, actions, disasters and achievements of the 20th century. Greenpeace will continue to document change right into the 21st century. Our images cover the whole range of environmental issues from the fragility of the earth's oceans and forests to the devastation caused by nuclear and toxic pollution, to the solutions required to protect the Planet. Greenpeace USA - Greenpeace is an independent campaigning organization that uses non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems, and to force solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future. Greenpeace Canada - Greenpeace is an independent not-for-profit campaigning organisation that uses non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems. We research solutions and alternatives that are essential to a green and peaceful future. Greenpeace's goal is to ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity. Greenpeace Australia - Welcome! Greenpeace is an independent organisation campaigning to ensure a just, peaceful, sustainable environment for future generations. Our website invites you to take action, support our work, find the environmental information you need or simply browse our campaigns. Dictionary of Philosophy of Mind - Holism - The view that parts of a system have significance mostly in virtue of their interrelations with other parts. See below for mental holism, semantic holism Patterns of Choice: a journal of people, land, and money - Our reporting concentrates on specific situations in community and economic development, forestry, ranching, and agriculture. Holism - The Holistic Principle of Logic: The condition of being 'unified' into a functioning structure is a trait of any 'whole' thing, which no 'part' of it can rightly claim by itself alone. Nature's Holism - Nature's Holism is about evolution, ecology and human evolution. It provides a scientifically based argument for an unrecognized ecological process that is similar to the yin and yang of Chinese Taoism. The two inter linked ecological processes that I introduce, I term perpetuity and compatibility. EcoSpirtuality, Holism and Sustainability - Ecospirituality: A spiritual view on and context for our relationship with the Earth and the Universe. The Holistic Paradigm - Holism. This states that mind is neither dualistically separate from body, nor reducible to it. Rather mind and body form an interdependent gestalt or totality, with each principle dependent on the other for its existence. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Copyright © Carla Moore, 1999 - 2003 All Rights Reserved |