What's this all about?What does that mean ("warrior nation?" "green country?")
This site introduces the Kingdom of TorHavn. We are an evolving sovereign nation-state in the planning phase of its development. By others, we have been called a micronation, ephemeral state, secessionist government (or movement), model country, etc. (and, less complimentariy, imaginary state, or even counter-country), ... unrecognized by the majority of world society. Yet, more importantly, WE call ourselves a future nation (and we ARE patient; we can wait): a country in the making, a warrior nation & the world's first "green country".
PLEASE NOTE: This is a "short" F.A.Q.S page (for more details, click here)
But what IS a micronation anyway?
In essence: A micronation is (almost always) a self-declared nation with little or no [actual] land to its "name," but which still (often) declares dominion over territory that actually exists (often tiny, isolated islands, or other areas (left) undeveloped by major world powers). Most "micro-nations" go through their whole "life" unrecognized by the major powers of the world, and many never last beyond a year or so (Some never even last a day, hence the word: "ephemeral").
Is TorHavn a real country?
In other words, We will
then exercise (limited) sovereignty over our own territory, and have our own laws
& customs (within our own borders), while we ALSO yield to the authority of the United
States government when we must, to survive. A good friend of TorHavn's says that Native American
nations (who are like "aboriginal" micronations) manage this with the ancestral authority they
wield over the territory they claim, and that it is possible, quitely, to do the same with a financial claim.
At that point, TorHavn (as a government) and the United States (as a government)
will quite probably exist in a state of "mutual ignorance", that is, we shall "ignore" each other.
We will ALSO point out that (other) micronations have sent out "notices
of secession" to their "parent [macro-] nation" before, and (in general), these are ignored,
so long as they don't "rock the boat" (like stockpile large numbers of "bang-bangs,"
shoot the postman or meter reader, or put barricades and "big guns" on the borders.
In the words of a favorite fictional fireman of ours, "That would be bad").
Depends on what you call "real." Currently, TorHavn is non-territorial (technically, but we have plans),
At the moment, TorHavn exists more as a culture than as a state;
we are an intentional community in the making (officially, but we are also seriously looking into
buying land). Once we have land, TorHavn would exist within the territory of the United States
as a state within a state, much like the Navajo Nation does.
Has TorHavn seceded from the USA? Are you a real place?
Not yet. TorHavn was conceived as a "model-country project"
in 1999, OFFICIALLY as an eco-friendly intentional community. Within
the next few years, we shall purchase land, and then declare our own
independence --- but quitely. We choose to grow and attain our
complete independence over the course of time, rather than through conflict,
harassment, or revolution.
WHY so serious? Why can't we just create change from within?
We must because WE CARE about what WE are seeing today in society.--- we have seen what's happening
in the world lately. Working within the system DOES NOT WORK. So we must TRY it ourselves.
We are looking to return to a different time & place, where nobility as a quality and honour stay
important, where the Head of State and the citizens of a place have an implicit agreement to respect and
honour each other (there's that word again). We seek a place where old values now forgotten except by
those counted as anachronists are still ..... well, valued. We are serious about this because
we must be if what we believe is to survive the chaos approaching on tiny, cat-feet.
That having been said, we do NOT believe in direct confrontation (No Waco "wackos" are welcome). We prefer,
instead, to quietly mind our own business, pay our taxes (as foreign tribute or as fees paid for
services rendered) and obey the U.S. laws. Someday we will have complete independence,
and we are willing to wait.....
We need do nothing but watch for opportunity; people who have less to gain and
more to lose will create stress. The society we live in is flawed, and people want things
to be "different." This is what we mean when we say "chaos is coming."
Are we looking to "take over the world?" Do we want a one-world government or economy? Chaos? Anarchy? For all "evil
people" to die? The end of the world (as we know it)?
In a word: N O.
All we REALLY want is our own place, where we can defend our way of life, to nurture the Earth, cherish
honour, nobility, chivalry, and to prove our point without interference, so that our world can flourish in
an old way that's become brand new again .... "that honour never fade."
(Some well-respected micronations never seek or achieve statehood)
Every micronation is founded for its own reason. Many are for fun. Some
seek to create change within their own "influence," and some, like
actually seeks land & statehood. Most of these last do so because of a lack they see around them.
You keep talking about all this "chaos a-coming." What does that really mean?.
The current Society has turned many of our neighbours into a group of self-serving,
short-sighted, wasteful, lazy, people who use excuses to explain away why the world is in such a state. We
who care for the Earth and our honour watch as those who don't care stay in power. It cannot last for long,
this stressed-out world. Something has GOT to give.
You all sound crazy! Aren't you all (a bunch of) gun-toting fanatics?
Seriously, however, it is the general feeling in TorHavn that a warrior must be face to face with his opponent
before understanding him, and must understand him before he can face him. And, in general, our only army (made
up of each individual citizen, noble, and monarch) is for defense only. The Society
for Creative Anachronism, Incorporated (SCA) is a non-profit corporation educational
founded in the United States of America that seems to be like a secessionist government of sorts, BUT
which is not. The main purpose of the S.C.A. is to study the Middle Ages & Renaissance period of
European history & culture, and to provide, through experience, a "hands-on" view of the crafts, combat
skills, science, literature, and technology of that period of time.
But although the Kingdom of TorHavn and the "Empire of SCA" (as the citizens of TorHavn
affectionately label the Society) have exchanged pleasantries and even though we have granted the S.C.A. a kind of
unilateral recognition,
We are aware that, in truth, the Society has never actually
claimed to be a state or even sovereign nation (despite their titles of
nobility, its kingdoms and principalities), nor is it likely that they will
do so anytime in the future (what a pity). we have no actual connection to or association with the Society in any way
And, although the SCA resembles a sort of empire, it is not. And, perhaps unfortunately,
most members of the SCA either unconsciously or consciously believe that monarchy is actually an "anachronism,"
instead of being a role model for monarchists everywhere that it should be. Please DO remember: TorHavn (1):is a monarchy,
(2):counts ecology before human convenience, and (3):prizes citizen participation
above all else (actions do speak louder than words)].
We applaud even those fictional nations whose purposes and ideals mirror our own and will certainly support the application of such nations into those fellowships
that we also belong to (so long as they qualify).
As a micronational comrade in arms, we wish we could do more. As a nation hoping for the ultimate expression
of our sovereignty, we dare not at this time.
Of course not. We don't even LIKE guns much. We prefer "embellishments" that are more apropos
to our "special needs" ---- like swords, daggers, crossbows, chain mail, etc (heh-heh-heh...)
We've noticed: TorHavn plans to choose its Monarch(s) by the use
of some kind of "Crown Tourney," its officials dress medievally, and your
government seems medieval. Aren't you part of the SCA?
No. Although we are a monarchist sovereignty group, and although many of
our cultural expressions seem medieval, we are not a part of the S.C.A., nor are we
actually connected to the Society in any manner whatsoever.
How do I become a Citizen here?
First: you should probably take a little tour through our
quaint little nation. Plus, even though we will have land some day,
we will still welcome internet or virtual citizens (after all, loving
the Earth and/or the warrior lifestyle knows no borders). Secondly: you
would (of course) need to apply. Click
(Of course, we'd love to include you as one of us)!!!
How does my government open diplomatic relations with you?
IE: I represent a model country/micronation/etc. and wish for your country
to Recognize me)
Send an e-mail to our government at
torhavn@yahoo.com. Please include as much information about your nation as possible. Bear in mind,
TorHavn has certain set
requirments, and can no longer recognize micronational simulations, fantasy nations (or those with outstanding fantasy elements) or nations that (intend to) exist only online. Rather we will only recognize those "micro"nations actually seeking independence, or those nations that are already independent.
Above shamelessly & freely adapted from a FAQS page by Our Good Friend:
Republic of Molossia.
More FAQs follow about the Kingdom of TorHavn here (Includes faqs about our goals, history, diplomatic relationships, provides an introduction to our Co-Monarchs, and how we stand on "the issues")
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