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IB Information

Unfortunately, the IB website doesn't seem to have much to help students, but you can try!

American Pageant Help

Chapter outlines and notes: - This site has some accuracy and clarity problems. Overall, though, it's well done and directly connected to The American Pageant, for which it has detailed chapter outlines. - This site uses a more recent edition of the text, so the chapter numbers don't match, you have to look at the title.

Online interactive chapter quizzes:


U.S. History - Best of History Web Sites is an award-winning portal created for history teachers, students, and general history enthusiasts. BOHWS contains annotated links to over 1000 history web sites as well links to hundreds of quality K-12 history lesson plans, history teacher guides, history activities, history games, history quizzes, and more throughout its pages. - An AP teacher's resource for his students. conatinas some very informative charts and outlines.,7361,590973-,00.html - The sutdent website for "The American People" textbook. Contains quizzes on U.S. History, although you'll have to figure out the right chapter. - Presented by an online travel service, it has brief articles explaining a wide variety of U.S. history terms. Though it is a commerical website and not comprehensive, the accuracy of the articles I have looked at indicate that the information is reliable. - A nice topical outline of U.S. history provided by the U.S. Department of State. Always be wary of your sources - this one, as an official government source, is "sanitized". In other words, it fails to mention controversy over events that might cast the government or its agencies in a bad light. - Historical statistics, 1790-1960 from the census bureau.

Writing - "A Short Guide to Writing History Essays" - a very good source for help with the Historical Investigation and Extended Essay. - How to write a thesis statement. Check out the other topics in the left column - The basics of selecting and narrowing a topic and writing a RESEARCH QUESTION. - Very informative site - check out the Top Ten Mistakes. - Purdue University's online writing lab for its students. - A guide to writing papers in MLA format. It also has very good sections on the process of doing research (but skip the "Getting Started" page.) LINK FIXED 10/28/05 - MLA examples from Honolulu Community College. - In-depth - an EXCELLENT resource by the University of Richmond. (Wasn't connecting on 9/6/2002.)