"Thought Paper" for Dr. Deborah Gordon
Gender, Race and Knowledge, Fall 1997
Wichita State University, Women's Studies Department
Why do I want to write about the Internet generally, and here
today web search engines? Of course it is for academic credit,
to construct objective research projects, but otherwise, what
of desire? After all, the Net has become my research obsession
out of choice. I use the word obsession deliberately as it seems
to fit the necessary mindset in order to complete projects at
hand. One is continually engaged with and in consideration of
the subject matter of focus. Considering that objectivity
requires one to strip oneself of desire, which, is an
impossibility, I would like to first acknowledge and consider my
desire. Especially since objectivity and desire are intermeshed.
The desire to research specific topics and the desire to be
objective stand together.
I must admit my fascination with the Internet, as a desire to
explore the new and unexplored. I wonder sometimes if the
desire is a combination of cultural forces around the Net as a
centrally located cultural topic of the moment and a
mesmerization of the self by technology. I find myself drawn
into researching the Net in a sort of technophillia like
obsession. In this desire, which comes from the self and outside
of the self, I have become instilled somehow, with the desire to
become immersed in the Net, while uncovering the "reality" of
the Net. Of course, is this not the research process?
Tracing the roots of this desire I file back to my personal
historical moment in time, that is birth date and semantic
historical place in time of my upbringing. Thrown into this world
in 1958, I realize now that at a very young age I was taught to
worship (in a sense or maybe in fact) technology in many forms.
Proof of this may be in the fact that as I young child I found the
stories of God and Jesus in church unbelievable. They did not fit
into the logic systems with which I was imbued. The logic
systems I was working with are congruent with a world that
believes in technology. It seems strange the conflict between
the suspension of disbelief around religous beliefs and the
empirical proof supporting beliefs around rational technological
systems. Predicated upon the logic systems taught me I
rejected religous stories as fantasy and lived in, with and
around rationality/technology as a belief system.
Based upon stories told to me and from my own recollections
I testify of my awe filled wonder and belief in automobiles,
planes, space program, technology etc. What does it mean to
believe in technology? As far as belief goes I recall an essay I
read by C. S. Lewis, "Belief in Belief" in which he described the
ability to believe as coming out of the experience of that which
is to believed. I have experienced, I believe in technological
manifestations as real and tangible. Therefore, I am able to
believe in their existence. This belief continues today in my
workings with and observations of the Internet.
My father, an aerospace engineer at Boeing began working
with NASA on the Apollo mission from its inception. Through my
father I was consequently linked to the daily impacts and
wonders of the Space Program as seen through the eyes of a
young boy. Along with the rest of the world the notion of space
travel seemed utterly fantastic. I recall as a young child of the
Space Age my fascination with and belief in, as I recall, a
technological utopia. This feeling about technological
utopianism I don't believe was realized by me out of a vacuum,
but rather was part of the whole Space Age manifesto.
Recalling this, I remember the dread I felt that I would never
get to drive a car, as they would be obsolete by the time I
reached driving age. However, somehow this seemed okay as
the progression of technology would only bring better things to
life. Technology would provide answers to society's problems.
Whatever difficulties humans experienced with natural
limitations, technological innovations would then present
solutions. This seemed to be matter of fact, to me.
Conversely, while my father was working on the Apollo
mission my mother was an activist with the League of Women
Voters. She engaged in subverting the system by registering
African-American citizens of the state of Louisiana. This was
done by distributing answers to voter registration tests and
monitoring of polling sites on election days. My arm gets tired
when I recall cranking the mimeograph machine (There were no
copiers then). By day my father was bringing in the Space Age
while by day my mother was engaging the system to answer for
itself and allow enfranchisement of African-American citizens.
The outer conflicts of my parents, one a radical political
activist and the other an activist builder of the military
industrial complex seem to now become my inner conflicts. I
believe this conflict/perspective contributes to and shapes my
optimism/skepticism around the manifesto of the Information
The question that now seems so ironic to me: We can send
"man" to the moon but yet black voters have to fight for the
right to vote?? How very strange indeed. Still today the
question goes begging. While many ie. Over 90% of the Internet
population who benefit and use the Internet are white and
middle-class. Likewise, who benefitted from the space
program? The answer to the latter question seem obvious; (the
military industrial complex/white middle-class). The former
question deserves an equally honest answer, the military
industrial complex (over 60% of web sites are commercial/the
Internet was originally created for the military through the
Department of Defense using public monies).
The semantic promulgations about the Internet seem to
parallel those of the Space Age in comparison to the
Information Age. The dawning of the Space Age ala John F.
Kennedy (God rest his soul), and the dawning of the Information
Age via Bill Clinton harbor similar metaphorical feelings and
remembrances. The framing of a society to perceive itself
through the lens of the Space Age and the Information Age have
similar outlines. There is a belief contained within both of
technological machinery and progress. The subscript of both
seem to say, wow aren't you glad we invested all this money in
our military. The prowess of the military industrial complex is
used in both cases to paint a context in which technology uplifts
humanity. The Space Program allows people to physically
transcend the earth and creates new consumer products, while
the Net allows people to transcend the body and go global.
Simultaneously an entire industry has emerged around the Net
infrastructure. There is an exhileration associated with both
the Space Age and the Information Age; future applications of
the Net promise a complete transcendence or downloading of
the body into the Net.
I draw upon the context of the Information Age and have the
same sort of feelings, a sense of hopefulness for human beings
which I
recall having as a child of the Space Age. A sort of renewed
optimism for a technological utopia. As Donna Haraway reminds
us, is this not natural for the children of the Nuclear Age, born
out of wedlock into the arms of technoutopianism. I would
definitely say, it is so.
It is difficult for me to admit I still have within me faith and
belief in a techno-utopia. It seems so politically incorrect.
Perhaps it is a fetish I am trying to come to terms with by
refusing to be in denial. However, this belief is tempered and
holds suspiciousness, fear and fascination, as well as hope. Like
it or not (Haraway has taught me) for good or evil that the fate
of humanity is inextricably linked to technology. Taking all of
this in, I have come to a better understanding of not only myself
but as well, my desire and fascination concerning the Internet.
So it is with the previously mentioned internalized conflict I
look in the mirror and ask: Who am I? To that I respond: Part
naive childlike self- mesmerized, and an adult knowing knower,
aware of the dangers and misapplication of technology. Yet and
here I sit, still entranced yet aware. With the knowledge and
desire instilled in me to be a faithful follower of technology and
the suspiciousness of a 60's activist to suspect technology in
all its' forms. I am conflicted, there is no clarity and complete
resolution. I write out of conflict and desire.
It is self revealing to me as I sit here and prepare to write
the research paper. I have and continue to do most of the
research on the Internet and while entering this dialogue into a
computer I am listening to an Indonesian radio station via the
World Wide Web. (Oddly enought they speak Malay and play
American rock n' roll.) It is perhaps the old adage, using the
master's tools and as well a realization that technology is a tool
to be used for the betterment of people's lives, and possibly,
subversion. Perhaps it is neither, just simply convenience. Can
we trust the Information Age? I would pose the possibility that
the Information Age can be shaped by those engaged in the
systems. To trust or not trust the Information Age seems to
depend on how we engage and use the framework of our time.
Denial would come out of not realizing our stake and potential
to influence outcomes. Denial is a path of least resistance in
which we don't have to claim responsibility.
Out of this, IE my desire for objectivity, comes the question
of Internet functioning. Specifically, what counts for knowledge
and information on the Internet and how is this disseminated
through the use of search engines? In this vain I will attempt to
engage search engine functioning. Search engines are software
programs that search their databases for potential matches to
a search. Search engines rely upon web robots or spiders to
search the Internet to find additions to their databases. The
functioning of these search engines and whether or not they
privilege particular sites over others and how they do so is my
research question. The listing of web sites is provided for as a
free service by most search engine companies. For a fee web
services will list one's site with anywhere from fifty to
hundreds of search engines. I theorize that those paying
listings services are given higher status in search selection.
This probably is not due to partial treatment but rather to a
superior listing format which takes advantage of search engine
proclivities. This would be hard to quantify, but we can be
assured that more than likely significantly sized companies pay
for listing services while others rely upon the kindness of
strangers. As part of my research I will compare search results
to include this variable as part of the analysis(hopefully).
In a general sense I want to know, if the process of doing a
search of the Internet privileges certain sites over others.
Should there by a privileging uncovered, who benefits and upon
what basis is this delineated. Does information which is
disseminated over the WWW favor existing power structures?
If so, could we surmise that this tendency would create
information dissemination which would support existing power
structures? What are the implications of this?
Uncovering search engine function and documenting this in a
highly technical way would be a massive undertaking. However I
believe that progress can be made in our understanding by
allowing search engines to reveal themselves. My methodology
will consist of doing keyword searches on at least ten search
engines using the same keyword. (Sampling various key word
results) Through analysis of the results of these searches I will
be able to compare the results and make a cursory judgement
on search engine functionality as it relates to search results.
Another tactic is to research into the algorithmic functioning
of search engines themselves. In the process of reading about
the design of search engines I have been able to discover what
software programmers intend in their construction of search
engine software. Part of my research paper will discuss this
area. Search engines use various strategies to create matches.
Understanding of search engine functions will enable
explanations of the results of the previous methods discussed.
Included in the research paper will be a brief history of the
Internet including the creation of the orginal search engines
gopher and mosaic. Current Net demographics and usage
patterns will be discussed briefly. The results of my searches
will be analyzed and an attempt will be made to create some
initial conclusions about search engine functioning and
privleging. I suspect that my research question may find that
the diversity of search engine design and functioning may serve
the Net to allow a flattening of hiarchies in terms of information
dispersal. Discussion of the research question related to
research reults will conclude the paper.