Psionic Remote-Influence Program

Manifest your Psychic Intention with pure Radionic power

New "MindWave" Third-Eye Stimulator uses a high-frequency pulser to stimulate your Psychic Centers. Will actually INCREASE your Psychic Perception over time!

Based on a combination of elements taken from proven symbolic and structured shape energy devices, symbols, and diagrams, translated into a form that can be read and processed by a computer. Concepts and principles from every field listed below, sorted and distilled into a single-purpose program to cast intention and remote influence:

  • Radiesthesia's Magnetron energy amplifier pattern to concentrate energy on the Target.
  • Hieronymus Machine symbolic circuitry embedded beneath the surface. Attracts the "visual beam" like Pavlita psychotronic generators do.
  • "Flat pyramid" symbol for energy focusing and detection.
  • Exclusive "MindWave" Third Eye Stimulator.
  • Text-based Witness simulates Abrahms' use of written word as an energetic link.
  • Action at a distance through principle of Sympathetic Resonance.
  • Tansley's DIMENSION TWO principles for mentally manifesting physical change.
  • Generates PSI power through Sacred Geometry as in Aubrey Westlake's Pattern Therapy.
  • Remote Influence as in Ruth Drown's "broadcast treatments".
  • Effects on lifeforms proven in Harry Stine's "Wishing Machine" experiments.
  • Use it like an actual physical radionics instrument! Tape your energetic link to the virtual sample well, type in the intention, and Dowse in front of the pyramid symbol with your pendulum or other psychic means of perception for feedback like you would with a physical machine.

    This is more tech from more fields of subtle energy research than anyone else has ever packed into a single program for psychic manifesting of intention. If you can't change your life with this program then you're just not trying!

    All new version! Now the popular software-based virtual radionics machine has evolved even further with all new features!

    * Longer duration MindWave to stimulate your Psychic Centers

    * Target's own words can now be pasted directly into the Magnetron for use as the energetic link

    * New PSI Field generator for Targets requiring continuous remote influence

    * Target's photo can now be loaded into the Magnetron for use as the Target link

    Some users are charging their pendulums, gemstones, and orgone wands, or leaving the PSI Field generator running while they sleep for self-suggestion and to induce lucid dreaming. Read the reports at:

    Offered as a metaphysical tool only to those with the necessary skills and experience to use it, sale is final. Software is delivered as a 5-minute download, no disks are mailed out. Installer is compressed enough to fit on a single floppy to transfer to a pc that is not connected to the internet. Tested successfully under Win95, Win98, WinMe, XP Home, XP Pro, Win2000, and yes even under Virtual PC on a Mac!

    To purchase send $36 from your PayPal account to and you will recieve an invitation to the customer list where you can download the current version. Future upgrades and other programs will be available to you there FREE!