This page shall be devoted to the LINK,
active attachments to Other addresses on the Internet
that have not already been covered on the previous pages.
The plan is to keep the links fresh as possible, so if you discover one not working, please let me know.
If you know of any links worthy of such a fine site as this dealing with the subjects aforementioned,
drop me a line and they might get added on.
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- Two good parts of the United States
Securities and Exchange Commission. They have a section
devoted to Cyberspace Fraud information.
- A location that offers a much larger collection of links
is Consumer World.
- The Hoax is alive and well on the Internet.
CIAC or the U.S. Department of Energy Computer Incident Advisory Capability for short is THE only
Agency officially dealing with Hoaxes and Halftruths that are spread from time to time on the Internet.
You want to go here for the Facts as they REALLY are. A great site.
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Home Page. The FDIC. Who?
You see those four Letters every time you go to your bank> want to know about Reputable Banking sites on
the Internet? This place could save you a ton of grief.
- Online Banking Report's NETBanker is one place that I hope
never loses it's credability or worse. They are a great place to go to find out about
legitimate Online Banking. Unfortueatly, they now want to charge ($695.00) a year for unlimited use of their web page. Checking here and at FDIC (Above) wouldn't be a bad combination
If thinking about joining a Bank On the Internet.
One More Time-the E-Mail Thing: To contact Brent "Beamer" Send E-Mail to
beam_er at Yahoo.com.
This page last modified April 19, 2002.
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