Welcome to Vejen Hlebarov's home page

This page presents some of my recent projects and results
                        I hope you will enjoy.

Home | Industrial software | Golden eye | Clouds | Robot Vision | Aims | Icons | SPOT | CV | Pictures | CONTACT     

 This is a home page describing some of my scientific and industrial projects.

 What you have to expect to see in my home page?

During the last years the engineers think how to make fast and high quality industrial processes with flexible machines able to be adopted for a new production on the market. The design of robots was the first step to high flexible production. The developed software can quickly change the robots operation and adopt them to a new production. A new possibility to enhance the flexibility is the computer vision and the development of new mathematical methods and neuronets for simulation of human recognition in the computer memory. The scientists can also use the computer vision like a new instrument for carrying out of difficult experiments and building of unique apparatuses. Computer vision helps in manufacturing and science, giving new approaches for enhanced flexibility, lower prices and automation and controlling of complicated operations.
Some of the links present new ideas for automation processes.

What is the subject of the links?

  • "Golden eye"  presents the idea for on-line monitoring of oil spots and particles over the water surface.
  • "Clouds"  presents an on-line monitoring of evaporating gases in the industry and calculating their volume.
  • "Robot Vision" is a system for automation assembling process using image processing and assembling robot.
  • "AIMS" is an image processing system for depth of the rusting surfaces recognition.
  • "ICONS" is a software for abnormal human behaviour recognition.
  • "SPOT" Automatic Surface Pollution Detection: low cost automatic oil on water detection.
I am  interested in the field of automation industry, control systems and software (embedded, desktop and web)design and development.

Are you ready to fly with me now?