What is a Christian?

According to Webster's 9th New Collegiate Dictionary a Christian is "One who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ". Some one may say or think that a Christian is someone who attends church or supports the church or some one who is "good" (etc). While, attending and supporting a church and being "good" are things that a Professing Christian should do, this does not make one a Christian! In the next few paragraphs I hope to give you an idea of what a Christian is and I will tell you how you may become a Christian.

Before we begin we need to Identify who Jesus Christ is and identify what 'Sin' is. First, Jesus is fully God and fully man (human). Jesus is Lord and Redeemer. Please note we could go on and on about the identity of Jesus. In simple terms Jesus is God. He is also known as the Son of God and as the "Word" of God. Second, Sin is transgression (rebellion or disobedience to the law/word of God), iniquity (moral distortion) or guile (deceitfulness).

In the beginning God created man and woman (Adam and Eve). God loved and taught man (mankind/humankind) and had fellowship with man. (Note: when I use the term man I am referring to man and or woman i.e. mankind.) One of the things God taught Adam was that if he disobeyed he would die. The death God was talking about was more than physical death. This death, is the termination of the ongoing intimate fellowship/relationship between God and man. Adam disobeyed God. Adam sinned! Because Adam sinned, sin was introduced into the world and the intimate fellowship between God and man had been broken. As a result mankind was bound for 'Hell' the place where there is total absence from God. Jesus came to restore the relationship between God and man.

Why or how is this possible? You see, God is concerned about his creation (humankind) and desires fellowship with man. Remember that man broke the fellowship with God. God loved and loves man, so, he (God) provided a way that man could come to him (God) and restore relationship with him (God). For a time God allowed the sacrifice of animals for atonement for sin, but that was temporary. God had and has a more permanent plan to be implemented.

The Bible tells us that the Word (Jesus) became flesh (human) and dwelled among us. Jesus was the final and ultimate sacrifice for the atonement for sin. Jesus paid the price for sin. Because, he (Jesus) paid the price he redeemed man. In doing this he has provided the way back to Fellowship with God. In short Jesus provided the way of Salvation (i.e. you are no longer bound for Hell).

Ok, so what is a Christian? A Christian is one who:

Would you like to know how to become a Christian? YES

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