
Note: These are not in alphabetical order. They are presented in an order that seems logical. If the list gets too long, I will put them in alphabetical order.

Neural Network

A system of highly interconnected processing units called nodes, neurodes, or neurons. Neural networks are often called neural nets.

Node, neurode, or neuron

A simple processing unit that is the basis for all neural networks. The word 'neuron' generally refers to a processing element in a biological system, while the words 'node' or 'neurode' generally refer to the processing units in an artificial neural network

Biological Neural Network

A neural network in a biological system such as the human brain or the brain of any other animal.

Artificial Neural Network

A neural network implemented artificially, in a computer or some other hardware, often trying to imitate a particular biological neural network


Data entering or exiting a node


The signal leaving a particular node


A link between any two nodes. In an artificial neural network, every connection has a weight associated with it. Connections in artificial neural networks are commonly referred to by the wieght along the connection.


A factor by which you scale (multiply) any signal crossing the connection with a weight associated with it.


A collection of nodes that all recieve the same inputs, and have no connections to one another. Many popular neural networks, like the back propagation network arrange its nodes in layers. A neural network that arranges its nodes this way, always have an input and an output layer, although many times the input layer is not considered a layer.

Input Layer

A layer from which signals from the outside world are recieved

Output Layer

A layer from which signals from an artifiical neural network are delivered to the outside world

Hidden Layer

A layer beteween input and output layers. Hidden layers have no inputs or outputs beyond the neural network.


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