last update: 3-9-1999
This application is very very simple: insert a
directory /xx and a string yy and SFG scans all the directories from /xx
searching for a file which name contains yy or a file that contains a word
with yy. Results are inserted in a list that you can scroll and see what
happened. If you click on a row in the list, a short description of the
file appears in the labels on the bottom of the window.
User friendly GUI
Fast file tree walking with ftw library
Small size
Practically all... :)
I hope to upgrade this version with:
menubar: Preferences, Help, About.
config file
details about the files founded by the `grep' mode:
number of lines contains the pattern and a list of it
a progressbar that indicates that somewhat is
Here is one screenshot
of the program.
Current Version
Latest quite stable version is 0.1.
Version 0.1 sfg-0.1.tar.gz
If you have any comment or suggestion, write some lines to
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