Hi! Welcome to my site. Not much here at the moment, but check it out anyway...

Yes I already know I can't dezign to save my life, so e-mails saying how crap my page is will be deleted. It's optimized for 1024x768 btw.

If anyone from Portugal is reading this, and still uses a real Spectrum e-mail me now!

SpectrumOS RIP?

Spectrum OS changed name to Raww OS, and won't be updated for a while, cos I now have LaesQ's +D and it roxx so I don't use SpecOS anymore! Hurrah! I was however working on a new version of it, which included PC mouse support and a GUI, maybe I'll finish it someday ;) I have a fair bit of knowledge on programming the 128K's serial port up to 38400 bps, and interfacing with the PC so if anybody wants some info mail me and I'll do my best to help.

Phoenix/Raww Arse [9/5/2000]

Teledisk my arse!

Replaced the Teledisk tool and disk images with Samdisk, MakeMGT and .MGT disk images.

Phoenix/Raww Arse [12/5/2000]

Speccy in Terminal Emulator Shock!

Santiago Romero from Spain sent me an e-mail asking for a terminal emulator for speccy, so I put Zfst in Tools in case anyone else wants it. By this time next week everybody will be running BitchX on speccy. Changed some other (minor) stuff too. And got extremely sick of watching crap chunky grey-scale intros from Paradox 2K and Millenium parties.

Phoenix/Raww Arse [19/5/2000]

Magic Fields goes A-mouse

Another game up for download, it's A-mouse version of  'Magic Fields'.

Phoenix/Raww Arse [9/6/2000]

New Tornado versions ?

Finally put +D version of Tornado in Tools. Soon I'll put MB-02+ version of it by LaesQ, and I might make a Timex FDD one based on LaesQ's code. Maybe.

Phoenix/Raww Arse [22/6/2000]