Patch of the Fire Department Hirschbach Bavaria Amberg-Sulzbach (County)

This site in German.
Welcome to the Homepage of the Fire Department in Hirschbach / Germany
Where is Hirschbach ????? (German)

Impressions from Hirschbach (German)

What's about the Fire Department and Hometown Hirschbach ????

The Hometown Hirschbach is located at 49° 33' 24'' N and 11° 32' 24'' E approximately 25 Miles in the East of Nuremburg in Bavaria / Germany.

Our Protection-District are the Hometowns Hirschbach, Ziegelhütte and Stoffelmühle. Herein are living approximately 360 Persons.

Our Fire-Department is founded 1875 and has 47 volunteer Fire-Fighters.

In the Year 2000 we celebrated our 125-Year-Anniversary.



Imprint: Robert Reif

1.Kommandant der FFW Hirschbach

Am Schmiedberg 17

D-92275 Hirschbach

Phone +49 9152-98134                           Fax +49 9152-98135


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