Michael Hartmann - Am Röhbrook 18 - 21465 Reinbek - Germany - Last updated:06-10-98

Video Tools

Here are some Informations about the Video Tools I'm currently
developing. Most of these Programs will be Freeware and for those of
you, who are interested, technical details and the source-code
will be available. All Codes will be written with Delphi 3.0 32-Bit and
therefore for Win95/WinNT.

Currently, 4 Projekts are under development/finished:

Simplecapture V 3.0
A replacement for Microsoft (TM) Vidcap32. Vidcap32 is needed for capturing video-sequences to
harddisc but has some major disadvantages. You have to press several buttons to get the scene to
disk. So I wrote this tiny application to speed up the process of videocapturing. It features automatic
file-naming, preview and a simple-to-use user-interface. Also included is a browser to play back the
captured files. This program is absolutly freeware.


Simplecapture V 3.0 is ready for download now. Thanks to Sam Cherroff (sam@silicon.net) for
providing the nesassary disk-space on his server. Download-Size is ~280 kb.

-Download Simplecapture v 3.0

Batchcapture V 1.1 Beta (Under Development)
A Batch-Capture-Utility for automatic capturing of videosequences. It uses either the PC-Timer or the
the LANC-Control-Port of a SONY-Compatible Camera for determing the position of the tape. Future
versions will include support for VISCA-Devices for professional Sony-VCR's and perhaps support for
Panasonic-5pin-Control Port. First, you start playing the tape and while playing you enter the
the scene names. The in- and Outpoint is taken from LANC-Port automatically. After entering all
scenes yoiu rewind the tape and start playback.Now the marked scenes are captured to disc automatically.
Besides you can edit, store and print your capure-lists.

Batchcapture V 1.1 Beta now supports the IRDEO-Project by Ekkehard Pofahl (Pofahl@online.de) to
control Sony-LANC-VCR's and read informations from a Panasonic VCR (Pansonic-VCR control is
under Development...). With this hardware he tape is positioned automatically for capturing the scenes.

 See the IRDEO-Homepage  at  www.online.de/home/Pofahl/irdeo.htm for further details
and updates.

This Project is currently under Development, but should work with most LANC-Compatible VCR's.

- Documentation
- LANC-Interface

- Download Batchcap V 1.1 Beta

For description on the LANC-Interface see the Technical Details.

Monitor V 1.3
A little program to use your Video-Capturecard to display incoming video-signals on your monitor.
Useful if you do not have a color-moitor at hand or if you want to watch TV while programming (Like me ;-) )

- Documentation

Monitor V 1.3 is ready for download now. Thanks to Sam Cherroff (sam@silicon.net) for
providing the nesassary disk-space on his server. Download-Size is ~187 kb.

-Download Monitor V 1.3

HitPoint (Under Conceptional Development)
A program to build cut-lists to match videos exactly with audio-events like music. This tool should help
to build music-videos where it is nessassary to exactly syncronize audio and video (Which doesn't seem to
be possible with Adobe Premiere)


For all of you trying to get theses programs to work here are some technical notes:

-My Configuration

- Technical Notes on Sony-LANC-L-Protocol
- Technical Notes on Sony-VISCA-Protocol
- Technical Notes on Panasonic 5-Pin Edit-Protocol

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