Before we begin, You really are going to have to download some fonts, take a healthy dose of um, caffiene.. (we don't advocate drug use here, no matter what my dealer says), and above all else remember that this is my page, if it was yours, it would have your name plastered everywhere instead of mine. So please don't bitch at me because I've offended you in some trivial manner, because honestly, stuff like that just makes my day. =P

The Obligatory Disclaimer. A must read for every occasion.

btw, I used to give you, the reader, a choice whether they wanted frames or not. In reality (*scoffs*), this was just a nefarious ploy by me to make you think that you had a choice in the matter. I'm an Anti-Frame Individual. Rather than follow the flock of web designers that long to be like everyone else, I choose to say "Fuck Frames and All they Stand For!". I know my windows and doors would fall over without frames, But do I care? HellNo! It's July! What the Hell do I need with a door when it's hotter than Hell outside? Wait, what was my point again?

This site werks best with in 800 x 600 otherwise ya can't see shite. I know i've sold out, so don't remind me.

Hosted by GeoCities. Blame them or get yer own.