Linux: a free Unix operating system

Linux - the choice of a GNU generation
Written by Linus Torvalds along with the able assistance of a team of hackers across the Internet, Linux is the world's most popular Unix clone. It features all of the beauty and elegance that characterize Unix, including built-in networking, true multitasking and multi-user support wrapped into a stable, robust package. Add in the X Window System, and fans of graphical user interfaces will discover how a proper windowing environment works. most certainly will run perfectly well on your home personal computer. And, it will peacefully co-exist with other operating systems. In fact, your files from those other operating systems can easily be accessed by Linux.

Here are some carefully chosen starting points to assist you in exploring the exciting world of Linux:

Linux NOW! This is a very comprehensive guide to all things pertaining to Linux. In particular, the newcomer to the exiting world of Linux will find this to be a most helpful beginning.

Another all-encompassing site is offered by Linux.COM for those wishing to explore the exiting world of Linux.

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