Michael Oatman,
The Myth, The Legend, The Homepage

Yes, this stuff is not coagulating by itself,
Under Construction
and I still appear to be offering little assistance in the matter.

HAHAHAHHAHA!  Shoes!  What do you suppose are the Vegas lines of Bush getting taken out after leaving office?

Hello, I know it's been a while since I've posted any updates here, so now I'm finally getting around to it. Yea!! I've moved to Tuscon, AZ, where I have a significantly better chance at finding myself at a decent occupation. Email gets bounced around a whole lot before getting to this account at Yahoo. For now....
Visit my Rainbow Alter Ego (can I really use "Rainbow" and "Ego" in the same phrase?).
Thanks a Whole Bunch!!

Well, this is certainly interesting.  So is the site it's hosted on.  I should have found that one a while ago.

Petition: Sign the petition to support the release of Dimitry Sklyarov, a Russian citizen jailed in the US and charged with violating the Digital Millenium Copyright Act
News: Dimitry Sklyarov released on bond
Status: After being imprisoned over three weeks (since July 16th), Dmitry Sklyarov is currently awaiting trial in Northern California.  Boycott Adobe to continue to pressure them not to cooperate with the prosecution.
Events: Protests are scheduled in San Francisco at the Federal Courthouse at 450 Golden Gate Ave. Additional protests will occur in 25 or more cities worldwide in coming weeks.

See the original Call to Action
Read: Censorship in action: why I don't publish my HDCP results by Niels Ferguson, August 15, 2001

Electronic Frontier Foundation

Check out Michelle & Steve Kubby's Drug War Bill of Rights

Think "Slick Willie" was bad? Read all about "Slinky Dubya" straight from Robert Scheer of the L.A. Times.

Whew, I'm sure glad that whole surreal 2000 election fiasco is over with, but you know, I think I've learned something today. Yeah, it's kinda funny that it took just one illegal ballot in one county of one state to throw an entire national election by 19,000 votes or so. Yeah, and even when people actually did know the truth about the problem, they let it go on, and then they let their Supreme Court's right wing totally disenfranchise them. Yeah, and I think I've learned something else: that people who want power..., a lot of power..., and get "elected" in a year ending with zero..., usually wind up dead.

the good son

In another words:
The Good News: Thanks to Tecumseh, we won't have to deal with Dubya.
The Bad News: It never really mattered since the NSA and Cheney are going to be running the country anyway.

the dead one
Let's Hear It For FIOA!!

...oh well...

Here's another opinion.

A Supreme Farce

... and another opinion ...
... and another.

Check out the book by Michael Donovan, Letters Upon the Mast, based on principles of Sacred Geometry by Robert Pavlita.
Okay, you must, absolutely MUST read
this speech by Lawrence Turk.
You also need to read this one from the November Coalition.
And check this out, the World Health Organization's study on the Health Implications of Cannibis Use (when reviewed by the US UN Delegation forced its supression by the WHO itself), can now be read in its entirety on Chris Clay's website.
Did anyone catch Nightline recently? This editorial from DRCnet's The Week Online provides an even clearer picture.

Current solar X-ray activity:
Solar X-ray Activity
From maj.com

Actually, if you'd like to know what I've been up to lately, it's at http://www.enviroweb.org/eac, at http://www.enviroweb.org/cove, at http://www.ecocalendar.com and at http://www.[h]{0,1}om[e]{0,1}land/[s|z]/.org (Perl syntax). And that's not mentioning a few commercial accounts. So check 'em out!

Some pretty cool Freeware is definately on the way soon, as are two discussion forums in Area 51. Check out links to some of my GeoNeighbors and to other stuff. Suggestions? Sign the GuestBook or send me Feedback. Have I mentioned my resumé yet?

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Written 1997 by Michael Oatman