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The Project page

Project's ...

The projects below are presented as is where is. Others (several not mentioned) will take months to complete allowing me time to retire several other jobs.

Below are mostly Mac related projects. The Mac projects are all tested with several macs in mind and general applications running.

Lately I have noticed some browsers and hardware combinations do not allow you to see all of my java script buttons for whatever reason. Navigation on most pages are with these buttons. If you do not see these, consult the site map for ALL or at least most links to all pages. Post me a note if you do not see them and I offer my thanks and repairs in return.

*TBA - To Be Announced, in other words a few more sleeps before it is ready.

Below is a table of off-site related Mac projects or tips and help with mans need-to-tinker.

On a personal note, often I get the idea posed to me that, "Apple is dying, the Mac will be no-longer", if it does it does, I doubt it ever will, it may change as most companies do but I say to those, "Well, you will have missed out then!"

The table below concentrates on telco related topics.


I'm going to go and lay down now until I feel better.
After I've rested come back and see the results of the current projects
Enjoy this page? Speak up

The counter below sets a cookie to let me know what browser you are using and the OS of choice. This is one way I can best keep my html current for the average Mac'ster. Agreed.

A comment: It seems lately that Netscape 4 (or better) is by far and wide the most popular browser! I will make an effort to get a copy going here to ensure the site appears somewhat similar when viewed with NS 3.

1997 1998 1999 2000 D2M