From the Taylors Falls Reporter Taylor falls (Chicago County) Minnesota Thursday, March 29, 1888 Taylor Falls
One of the most pleasant and successful re-unions of the G.A.R. ever held in this town since Sherman Post was organized in this place was held at their hall last Friday evening. The crowd was such that it fairly demonstrated to all present whether Taylors Falls wants a public hall or not. The building was crowded from basement to dancing hall, with the best natured crowd that ever this town had the honor of entertaining. A bountiful supper was spread in the club room, donated by the good people of St. Croix Falls and this place. The Young lady waiters were kept busy all the evening, in fact till the next morning, passing the eatables to the hungry visitors, while the older ladies were busy cutting hams, chicken pies, cake, etc., and making everything pleasant for the party. During the evening a portion of the vistors filled the hall and listened to an interesting program. Commander W.X. Folsom presided in a manner that made the boys feel at home, and gave McKenzie Post a hearty welcome. The Hon. William M. Blanding, of St. Croix Falls, made an eloquent speech in which he eulogized the brave dead and the noble heroism of the boys in blue who fought and bled for their country on the battle fields of the south, and were the means of saving the great American nation from division, and with their lives preserved the Union. Mr. Blanding was repeatedly cheered during his remarks. He was followed by Mr. Fitzgerald, of Milltown, Polk county, who waked the boys up with a rousing speech and eulogized the heroes who are sleeping their last sleep beneath the southern sod. He also paid a tribute to the glorious old flag of the Union, and denounced in a scathing manner the British government for its tyranny over Ireland. "Mike's a patriotic Irishman sure." Dr. E. Edwards was at home with his army sketches on the blackboard and kept the audience in continual roars of laughter, delineating the soldier as he marched to the front, fully equipped seeking glory at the cannon's mouth and how he marched out again. It is needless to add that he came out a poorer man than he went in. The Doctor concluded his sketches by drawing a gigantic "grayback," the soldiers' most bitter enemy in times of war or peace. A beautiful cake made and presented to the post by Mrs. Trump, was disposed of to the most popular Grand Army man. The members of both posts pooled their money on Chaplain E.E. Edwards Who "took the cake" amid loud cheering. At the close of the entertainment the hall was cleared for dancing and about 50 couples tripped merrily to the enlivening strains of the Chicago county band until daylight dawned, mantling the scene of revelry and enjoyment with its garment of light. Dancers voted the ball the best one they had ever had at Taylor Falls.
Go to Perrysville "many houses were marked with cannon balls."
Go to Dear Brother "Gen. Lee is understood to be in command."Go to On the Battlefield
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