Cool Buildings

What is this section about? Well, as the words above say, it's about the cool buildings (building would be any structure) in ActiveWorlds. Does it just have to be cool? No. It doesn't even have to be cool. But if it's nice, and it's a piece of work (like me), it will most likely be here. Do you think that your structure is cool? Then e-mail me, and I'll check your place out. If your place isn't cool, or nice, and you've wasted my time, you'd better have an apology ready!

Mount Bob

148s 1819w 10a 315
built by: Rjinswand

up Mount Bob: A builder's dream. A builder's dream? Why a builder's dream? Well, if you have to ask that, you must be an idiot. If you're a builder, and you've been to Mount Bob, then you know what I'm talking about. I bet the first thing that popped into your head when you saw it was "wow". Mount Bob is an exceptional piece of work. Why? Because of the use of objects, object placement, animations, and many other things you wouldn't even think about. If you went around right clicking everything with your mouse (what else would you right click it with?), you'd notice an action in almost every object. How'd he do it without getting so many area fulls? I have no idea. I wish I knew though, it would really come in handy :).
mount Mount Bob is about the best looking place in AW, therefore, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Mount Bob has everything you'd see in nature, and then some! You'd never think that you have this mountain in your computer. Mount Bob has a whole lotta hills (it's made mostly from that), it has a ladder (yeah, a piece of art), it has MANY waterfalls, and all of 'em look spectacular. Mount Bob also has a great transition from normal weather, to a snowy top! Mount bob has a great little stream, and an awesome cavern and cave. But my favorite part of Mount Bob is the "Forbidden Tunnels". The tunnels are a maze, and the trickiest of all AW. You could spend weeks without finding the way onward (it took me a couple of hours). Why does it take so long? "Similarity". Every place looks the same, but is completely different. Well, just go see it! These pictures don't do it ANY justice.
