Flipped News

In this section, I will open a new light of AW, the lighter (and sometimes darker) side of AW. I hope that this part of my page benefits you in more ways then one, and I hope you learn something; although I don't know what you'd learn from this... well, have a nice time perusing these stories.

Circle of Stones


We thought AW was a safe place, a place of peace where people from all around the world could hang out and chat. But then people got rude, people started to build to close to other people, people started to change people's names, people even vandalized. But we didn't mind this, it wasn't that bad and in the long run, it would'nt really hurt anybody. But low and behold, something terrible has happened. Something so bad, so wrong, that nobody in AW will ever be safe again. We now have devil-worshippers in AW. I know, you people say that we have always had devil-worshippers in AW. Maybe so, but now they have taken it too far; they are now having satanic rituals in AlphaWorld: home of the innocent (and not so innocent). I bet you're still wondering what's so bad about this? Well, if you've ever seen or been to a satanic ritual, you will probably spew all over the place. They strip (not SO bad), they hurt each other, and they sacrifice things; sometimes big things. Now, this wasn't really a problem untill recently, when a death was reported. It seems that they have been sacrificing some avatars. There have been multiple reports of "Harold", "Shanubia", "Barbara", and "Helmut" heads on poles all over AW. But the core of what's been going on has been happening at one place: The Circle of Stones. This place looks normal enough, but they call upon evil demons, the sky turns colors (as the picture shows), and all hell breaks loose. So stay away from people who say they wanna get "ahead"! You might be next!


mutated mutated Due to the recent spill of toxic waste, some of AlphaWorld's avatars have unfortunately mutated into horrible, ugly, disgusting little creatures. If you see these avatars (and you'd better pray that you don't see them), stay still. Do not run away for it might frighten them into doing something dangerous, because not only did the toxic waste change the way they look, it also changed the way they think. Should you do anything stupid around them, like yell at them, say "bad" things to them, or run away from them, they just might eat you (among other things).

I know, you're probably wondering if AlphaWorld will ever be safe again. Fortunately, some mysterious people are taking care of this problem. They are experts, and are trained to do what they are doing. So if you see them, do what they say. They have special equipment to deal with the mutated avatars, and special equipment to deal with you should you become a problem.


giant avatar THIS IS NOT A FAKE PICTURE. THIS PICTURE WAS NOT TOUCHED-UP IN ANY WAY WHAT-SO-EVER. THIS PICTURE WAS TAKEN JUST THE WAY IT SEEMS. So what is this you ask? It's a giant avatar! As I was yelling at the newbies at Ground Zero one day (I know, I'm evil :)) I noticed two gigantic legs. I started pressing the "PageUp" button, and there stood a gigantic avatar! It resemble Gray, except for the fact that it was humongous, and gold. Well, I flew above it and took a pic of 'im, and then he vanished. He's been gone ever since. So who was that mysterious person? The world may never know...


King Punisher:  Dataman, your soul is now mine King Punisher, a name from the past, a dark and dismal past. Who is King Punisher you ask? Punisher (the name he used at the time) was just a normal (whatever normal is) guy, who found a glich in the system. At the time, he didn't abuse it, and rarely ever used it. One day he decided to build a castle, sorta like an errie castle. So to get an added affect of eerieness, he moved an object from somewhere around 300n, to 666n. I think that way he could've got added visitors, since the number is so "erie" (if you have a problem, or notice anything wrong with my spelling, email me or something). Anyway, he began to make a castle, but things were going slow, so he decided to recruit people to build it for him. Anyway, other stuff happens, and he decides to call what he has created "The Order". Around that time he also became "King Punisher", and he ruled The Order. Well...long story short... The Order got out of hand, King Punisher never wanted it to happen, and he deleted his castle. If you go there now, you'll see the ruins of the castle (among other things), but be sure to hold shift when you land, otherwise you'll be teleported out of there. Well, King Punisher changed his name to "The Pharaoh", apologized for doing wrong, joined AND help build the AWPD. Well, he committed AW suicide, and walked into flames, and was never seen again, untill the other day! This pic was captured at Punisher Castle, definitely a picture of controversy, but do not doubt it! This picture is REAL!! It is not a forgery of any kind. KP was so nice as to pose for a picture, he's not such a bad guy!

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