(Выставить как: http://aravidze.narod.ru/zagopism.htm , http://www.geocities.com/sekirin1/zagopism.htm . )

     The materials presented in this section initially were half-fafricates of letters to my acquaintance persons from Moscow. I wanted to write what I regarded as interesting to all of them. In pre-printer epoch, I rewrote the fragments manually, each copy was valuable, and this was luxury, to retain them for myself - that is why practically nothing remained from that time. When personal computers and printers became available, it became possible to prepare half-products, and later add to them specific fragments for specific addressees; in this case, half-fabricates remained. Now, when it became possible to create one's own site, I decided to expose them in the net - may be they will be found interesting for somewho else.
     In principle this can be called diary, but functionally this was and remains be precisely half-fabricates of letters to acquaintance persons.
     Many of the records demonstrate my that-time naiveness, many of them are repetitions of arguings of the other people (both liberals and oppositioneers); I from principial motives did not delete anything - this is a document, and it is unethical, to make erasurees.
     Due to beeng late, I do not always remember what some abbreviated record means, or I remember, but this is not enough interesting; in the first case, I try to put '(?)' at the end; in the second case, I plan to give decyphering later.
     Unfortunately, the reader can be repelled with undeciphered or noninteresting materials, in addition, sorting is not finished; on the other hand, it is worth to expose there memoirs even for the sake of sole records about propaganda of privatization ("let us vote with our vouchers for reforms", "let us support Ukrainian industry with our vouchers," etc.). Как создатель сайта я считаю, что есть смысл выставить их как есть, а потом улучшать подачу материала.
     If somewho from the persons mentioned in the text will ask not to restrict oneself with initial and write his/her name in full form, I shall be glad to fulfil such wishes.

Download: 1 2 (6..11K)
Лашонэйну, або ж наша мова.
Download: REKLAMA.ZIP (4K)
Download: PENXE.ZIP (12K)
Download: UCONYJE.ZIP (5K)
АЛЧУЩИЕ ИСТИНЫ (о современных учёных)
Download: ZAGOXX95.ZIP (12K)
<=1995 г.
Download: ZAGO96A.ZIP (13K)
Download: ZAGO96B.ZIP (5K)
Download: ZAGO97.ZIP (3K)
Download: LEVC9311.ZIP (3K)
1993,11,30. Из письма С.Л.
Download: AGAF9410.ZIP (10K)
1994,10,31: из письма Ник.А.
Download: AGAX9410.ZIP (10K)
(продолжение; начало - agaf9410.htm)
Download: LEVC9510.ZIP (2K)
1995,10,16-18. Письмо С.Л.
Download: AGAF9601.ZIP (10K)
(из письма Ник.А. - 1996,1)
Download: ARYU9608.ZIP (12K)
1996,8,3. Из письма Нат.А.
Download: AGAF9609.ZIP (6K)
(Из письма Ник.А. - 1996,9)
Download: mosk1.zip (11K)
1996,1,16-20. Trip to Moscow - part I (personal impressions) (in Russian).

Download: mosk2.zip (8K)
1996,1,16-20. Trip to Moscow - part II (opinions of my acquaintance persons).

Download: polsizra.zip (10K)
Impressions from trips to Poland (1995) and to Israel (1996).

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