Mashaka's Henchling

This was from an "actions" thread on a message board. Actions are written between asterisks. Thest are interspersed with description of what is going on in other posts to the thread, and on other threads of the message board. All listed actions are performed by lclough23.

"Mashaka" means "trouble" in one of the African languages

Lclough23 (Larry) has become Mashaka's "henchling". Mashaka is Shoko's altar-ego. After many adventures, lclough23 has received an herbal concoction which restores himself to his true nature, which still leans toward the dark side.

*receives that concocttion*
*consumes it*
*becomes himself*
*sort of*
*changes his radio prefernces*

On another thread lclough23 and Shoko have been discussing what they are listening to. Shoko is listening to Linkin Park. Lclough23 changes his intenet radio preferences to weight toward Linkin Park and similar artists.

Mashaka retrieves her notbook and begins to construct a plot to take over the world. Lclough23 had earlier been required to participate in forming the plan.

*reaches into his files*
*flips to "World, Taking Over the"*
*pulls notes to suggest to Mashaka*
*engages stream of consciousness*

One of the other participants in th thread interjects some random comments disguised as actions.

*shifts stream of consciousness into first gear*
*mutters TV - popularity - popular music - short-circuit the brain*
*mutters losing my mind - nothing - broadcast the signal*
*mutters tied to the wheel - slide to the right*
*breaths in* *breathes out* *breaths in* *breaths in*

This, of course, makes absolutely no sense. What is happening in the background that the author of the post is listening to a succession of songs by Korn, Nirvana, Papa Roach, and Bush. He is picking out snips of lyrics. Due to an excess of caffeine, and a lack of sleep, nothing comprehensible can be assembled out of this mish mash.

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©2005 Larry Clough   Last modified 30 April 2005