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Kitayiv, Troitska (St. Trinity's) church


Kitayiv-a picturesque place on the outskirts of Kyiv. In the middle of the 18th century Troitska (St. Trinity's) church shown in this picture was built. The shot was made in July, though the best time to visit the place is late September.

St. Alexander's Kostyol (Cathedral) and Tryokhsvyatytelska street in Kyiv. The Kostyol was built in the middle of the 19th century. In the Soviet times it was used as a planetarium.
Another pecularity: Tryokhsvyatitelska street is the steepest one in Kyiv.


St. Alexander's Kostyol (Cathedral)


A fall sunset over the Chortoryi river in Kyiv. The name of the river originates from the Old Slavic word meaning "a deep pit" which suggests an insidious character of the river's flow. At present this place boasts a large recreation area and nice views to practice landscape photography.

Just the most beautiful woman, the smartest linguist and most inspired lecturer. Currently she is finishing her profound thesis in comparative lexical semantics granting her valuable time to photo modelling now and then.


Ilona Podolian

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