BTA issues
Civil liberties

Latest Sensationalism:

The following links are to corporate media web sites who slander the word "hacker" for exploitative purposes.
Nasty Bad Men Are Using Encryption
MSNBC's Guide for weeding out children
more crap here
AOL says hackers may have stolen credit card numbers
...I thought they were called script kiddies
Fascists use "I love you" virus as a reason to increase restrictions on the net
Is it now illegal to use a false return email address
Domain pirates continue rampage
(it was just that lame upl trick, scroll down the page).
...Funny how no one cared until a company's page was "rampaged".
Bracing for guerilla Warfare in Cyberspace
New laws needed to track hackers
Charles Palmer doesn't like hackers

STOP THE MPAA (anniversery)

01.21.01    Today marks the first year anniversery of the massive efforts to stop the Motion Picture Association of America's assult on online freedom, as they took 2600 magazine to court because it was mirroring DeCSS source code. Stopping the MPAA has been mostly done up until now through mirrors, education, and the financial assistance of civil liberties organizations like the EFF and the ACLU. If you know nothing about the case, then you don't know that many hollywood movie companies (20th century fox, paramount, etc) that are united under the MPAA have succeded in getting a biased court to declare it ILLEGAL to link to a site they do not aprove of, as well as making free speach illegal if the speach is a computer program called decss that lets you watch a dvd that you bought on your computer.

However, after a year this case has not gone away! The Electronic Frontier Foundation is going to support 2600 Magazine in their appeal of the case. So learn more about the case at 2600, slashdot, and the eff site. Evil coporate dickheads are sucking away our freedoms online as well as offline. The internet is a place of communication and learning, not slave for spammy dot com leeches to abuse. Arm yourself with the knowladge of the case that got me turned on to how screwed up the world is, and take the net back!

I rembered that I write the AOF issues

1.5.01    I was sitting there online today and I realized that I used to write this newsletter thing called The Architects of Fear. I went to the site shuddering at how horrible it probably is, but I realized that the site is actually pretty well done so I have decided that I will work on this stuff. Oh yea, I'm not an Anarchist anymore, I'm a socialist. I realized that most anarchist arguements are really only bitching about the right and ignore the fact that progressive goverments are attainable. Just look at the city of townsville in the Power Puff Girls show. Everyone's all nice and helps each other out and stuff. What more proof do you need?

So all aboard to the International Socialist Organization and let's get this revolution rolling!

New Freaky-Weird Design

I was moneying with my own page and came up with this design, and I decided that the AOF page was really lame so I stuck this on there. Oh yea, AOF IS NOT DEAD! We've just been having fun this summer instead of writing stupid files or working on this site. Anyway, this new design is mostly influenced by Velvet Acid Christ's Church of Acid CD, vicodin, and the dark inside me. Enjoy!

2600 Looses DeCSS Case

That's right! The MPAA goon's propaganda seemed to sway Judge Kaplan in their favor regardless of the evidence presented. 2600 and the Electronic Frontier Foundation are planning to appeal, but they need your help! Mostly, in donations to their defense fund, because keeping yoyr freedom ain't cheap. Check out the slashdot and 2600 news articles on this.

Nous avons fait des autre pages

Salut! J'ai (jl) fait une page quel se trouve à, et JC à fait une page, quel j'adore, quel est strictement interdit aux personnes de moins de 18 ans (adults only). Il se trove à

Aussi, nous pensons que peut-etre nous allons faire le page seulement en français, pour les gens que ne peut pas lire bien anglais. Quest-que vous pensez?

New Site Design (V2.1)

After many late nights, and numerous diffrent design concepts, the new AOF/BTA webpage format is finally here. Please tell me what you think about it, what parts are good, and what parts... are not so good.

MPAA Despositions released

If you have lots of free time, you should read some of these. I'm not sure if it's really funny or really scary, but apparently the corporate oppressors have no idea what they are suing people for. You can also stream or download a real audio file of Jack Valenti's desposition. Or just read them all here. Ever since sometime last year, I've been collecting various little bits and pieces of articles and papers and legal documents that are pertaining to the DeCSS case. They will be released as a .zip bta file soon (which will, of course, be updated regularly). The only problem with this is becaues it will also include the DeCSS software, I will have to put it up on a mirror, so this page won't be deleted. Does this sound like a good idea? What do you think? Tell us.

Free speach crumbles in the face of paranoia

(Or read the slasdot article)
So you make a page, and on it you rant about how much your life sucks because you class mates hate you and your teachers are morons. Sounds fine right? Well, because the mainstream media has been saying ever since the columbine high school event that rebelious, anti-social teenagers need to be weeded out because they present a security threat, this kid gets kicked out of the state, thrown in prison, and his computer confisicated and all his emails read.

Get this! Now (6.22.00) They have decided to charge this kid with libel! As much as I hate mainstream media, there is a story about it here. This "libel" charge is just a bullshit front for a repressive socioty trying to weed out its creative minds. Fucking fascist motherfuckers

Was BTA 11 copied ?

On the same day that BTA 14 was released, I went to Barnes and Noble to pick up a copy of the spring 2600 (17:1). As issues go, it probably wasn't the best I've read, but there were some good parts, and it's worth buying. Anyway, I couldn't help notice that on page 26, there was an article entitled Taking advantage of alladvantage, which looked suspiciously like part of BTA 11.

However, since we are not arrogant bastards, and great minds have been known to think alike on occassion, we're not gonna be assholes and bitch about it to 2600, but I'm gonna let you contrast and compare:

Silicon Kill's version:

...I realized that I had a program on my computer that preformed a pre-recorded marcos. Then it hit me. I could make a web page that linked to another web page, and then linked back to the first one. I would make two large graphics that could be clicked on easily and then link them. Then, I would use the marco program to to record my mouse movement of clicking the graphic, and have the program repeat it over and over...

My version:

...Go to , you can download a demo of a program called EZmarcos. It's a really neat proggie, and it lets you record things such as keyboard strokes and mouse actions. Set it to record your movements, and just go to some webpages, and then hit 'pause' and then save it. Then you can connect to the web, start the marcos you've made and go away for the weekend..