![U.S. Dept. of Commerce](cssealsm.gif) |
http://www.ita.doc.gov/uscs/ Produced
by the Department of Commerce and provides information to businesses on all exporting
issues. The site also contains country specific data and insights as to which types of
products may be successfully marketed overseas. |
![](edit1.gif) |
http://www.stellar.org/global/usdoc/usdoc01.html Export
marketing assistance provided by the U.S.Department of Commerce and the U.S. & Foreign
Commercial Service. There are links to various programs to assist businesses in
identifying possible offshore markets as well as direct links to trade assistance web
sites. |
![ExportTutor](tutor_logo.gif) |
http://www.miep.org/tutor/ Developed
by Michigan State University, International Business Center, this web site is dedicated to
giving beginning exporters the tools they need to establish a successful offshore
business. |
![Welcome to U.S. Business Advisor](usbaind.gif) |
http://www.business.gov/Trade.html More
help from the department of commerce. This site is designed to be a "one-stop
shopping" information source for firms wanting to export their products. |
![How SBA helps America's entrepreneurs](sealsmal.gif) |
http://www.sba.gov/expanding/export.html Information
on exporting assistance provided by the U.S. Small Business Administration. |
![Global Trade Center](gtcmastsm.gif) |
http://www.tradezone.com/ Provided
by The Mellinger Co. and provides a wealth of information on practically every aspect of
global business including agencies, lists of possible partners for ventures and so on. |