1. Prospects of depressions of Kurile-Kamchatka region for oil and gas p. 1
Zonal and local prediction of oil-gas productivity of sedimentary basins of Sea of Okhotsk
2. Northeast Sakhalin Shelf p. 10
3. Magadan Shelf p. 18
4. Characteristics of geology and working of oil and gas fields in carbonate rocks of shelf of Pechora Sea p. 23
5. Possibilities for seismic refraction surveys in oil-gas exploration of northeast shelf of Sakhalin Island p. 30
6. Oil-gas assessment of Cretaceous sediments in zone of Central Sakhalin fault from mathematical modeling p. 39
7. Hydrocarbon reservoirs of erosional-tectonic highs of pre-Jurassic rocks of southeast West Siberia p. 45
8. Development of sedimentary basins of an ancient continental margin and their oil-gas potential (Barents Sea Shelf) p. 49
9. New aspects of oil-gas potential of northern regions of Siberian craton p. 59
10. Degree of maturation of oils of various-age reservoirs of South Caspian mega-depression p. 71
11. Tectonics and sedimentation in structure of sub-salt Paleozoics of north of North Caspian depression p. 86
12. Age of structures and their oil-gas productivity p. 96