Vol. 35, No. 2 (Spring 2001)

1. Prospects for discovery of new oil and gas fields and pools on Kara Shelf p. 101
2. New direction in prediction of oil-gas potential for structural zones of possible decompaction p. 106
3. Current problems of prediction and completion of hydrocarbon resources of northwest offshore Russia p. 113
4. Evolution of Late Paleozoic carbonate platform of south of North Caspian depression p. 120
5. Sedimentary basins of rift zones of eastern Kazakstan and their oil-gas prospects p. 130
6. Tectonics of southeast of European craton and structure of North Caspian depression p. 137
7. Structural-formational characteristics of Lower Volga oil-gas region p. 142
8. Hypergene gas-bearing complexes of Novoport field p. 147
9. Prospects for discovery of gas-condensate fields in Vilyuy region of Yakutia p. 152
10. New aspects of favorability for oil and gas in northern regions of Siberian craton p. 156
11. Geology and oil-gas prospects of Kanin Peninsula p. 166
12. Early Paleozoic rifting on Pechora platform and shelf of Barents Sea (along profile 1-AP) p. 175
13. Ancient structures of noethwest trend (Pashsko-Ladoga, Onezh, and Vozhe-Lach aulacogens) and their possible oil-gas productivity p. 185
14. Formation of oil pools by introduction of hydrocarbon fluids from different sources p. 190
15. Status of production of oil fields and prediction of oil output up to year 2015 p. 196