Welcome to my Home page
Updated 28 November 2001
Eddie Leighton (ZS6BNE)
Here are items of interest that may be interesting to you.
Amateur radio
My history as a radio amateur and ideas on antennas for base station and HF mobile use. Photographs of historical occasions.
Lessons in packet radio message format on how to program the printer port using BASIC on a standard IBM or compatible PC to control the outside world.
1983: My youngest daughter Echelle "Typing" on the Commodore VIC 20
Long distance running
Two stories on running the worlds most famous ultra marathon between Durban and Pietermaritzburg in South Africa.
Comrades 96 (Afrikaans article)
Comrades 2000 (ZS6BNE "Foot mobile" a historical occasion)
Microlight aircraft
My experiences as a microlight pilot in the late eighties and photographs of my microlight aircraft.
Electronics and robotics
Ideas on building robots , circuit diagrams of motor control and infrared proximity sensors. Programming ideas for autonomous robot behaviors.
The MACH 2001 Robot Lawnmower
Other interesting and informative Hobby Robot web pages
These are two very interesting and interactive hobby robotics web sites which are well worth looking at.