Dream Cards

Use the links to navigate through to the card or group of cards you want. First, however, some commonly used symbols. All cards are linked from here. Or return to Main.
Now up to


 seperate cards.
  • <AU>Alternate Universe
  • <Q> Q- icon
  • <SD> Special Download
  • <Baj> Bajoran
  • <Borg> Borg
  • <Car> Cardassian
  • <Dom> Dominion
  • <Fer> Ferengi
  • <Fed> Federation
  • <Kling> Klingon
  • <NA> Non Aligned
  • <Rom> Romulan
  • <RoA> Rule of Acquisition Icon (not the expansion, the card type)
  • <Com> Command Icon
  • <Staff> Staff Icon
  • <Holo> Holographic
  • <2>, <3>, <4> Countdown
  • <HA> Hidden Agenda
  • <BorgO> Borg Only
  • <Nem-Color> <Color-Nem> Opposing Nemesis icons.
  • Bold Name in Lore Persona Rule is in effect
  • <Bar> Barash Icon
  • <KW> Ketracel White
  • <Space> Space, as on a dilemmas or mission.
  • <Planet> Planet, as on a mission or dilemma.
  • <PB-#> Point Box showing # Points.
  • <Gamma> Gamma Quadrent Icon
  • <Delta> Delta Quadrent Icon
  • <uni> <universal> Universal
  • <Inf-???> Infiltration icon for the given affiliation
  • <Maq> Maquis Icon
  • <Ref> Referee Icon
  • <Nav> Navigation Borg Drone
  • <Com> Communications Borg Drone
  • <Def> Defense Borg Drone.
        Orb of the Emissary
        Prime Directive
        Hostile Encounter
        Cultural Customs
        Barzan Wormhole
        Male Domination
        Rule of Acqusition 10
        Rule of Acqusition 27
        Rule of Acqusition 34
        Rule of Acqusition 40
        Rule of Acqusition 76
        Rule of Acqusition 85
        Rule of Acqusition 95
        Rule of Acqusition 141
        Rule of Acqusition 284
        Treaty: Federation/Borg
        Treaty: Klingon/Cardassian
        Rule of Acqusition 299
        Lefler's Laws
        Lefler's Law # 17
        Lefler's Law # 36
        Lefler's Law # 46
        Lefler's Law # 91
        Lefler's Law # 103
        Rule of Acqusition # 125
        Rule of Acqusition # 219
        Rule of Acqusition # 8
        Nano Probes
        Flipped Gallitep
        Yridian Outpost
        Primary Alpha Quadrent Facility
        I Have No Hidden Agenda
        Data Stream
        Family Influence
        Questionable Beliefs
        Test Flight
        Explore Spatial Anomoly
        Investigate Society
        Observe Technology
        Seek Business
        Secure System
        Intiate Terrorist Activity
        Genetic Engineering
        Assume Persona
        Oppose Armada
        Capture Personal
        Eject Plasma Collant
        Plans of the Resistance
        Assimilate Intruders
        Commandeer Station
        Assume Identity
        Captain Barclay
        The Sons of Soong
        Admiral Hastur
        Gul Darh'e'el
        Vorta Clone
        Commander Bruce Maddox
        Commader Kieran MacDuff
        Professor Moriarty
        Lt. Reginald Barclay
        Major Rakal
        Mot And Bot
        Ten of Twenty
        U.S.S. Elite
        U.S.S. Venture
        Solar-Sail Vessel
        Maquis Ship
        U.S.S. Soverign
        Ghendin Taraquad Blaster
        Diamond Slot Formation
        Auxillary Power to Shields
        Escape Route
        1,000,000 Tribbles
        ... With the Docking Clamps
    Some cards have a link on them, click on that for stratagy and some background on that card. Includes any special rules for the card.

    Orb of the Emissary- Rare
    An unknown 9th Orb. The Prophets led Benjamin Sisko to discover this Orb on Sha'Ka'Ree. Once retrieved the Pah'Wraiths were expelled from the Bajoran Wormhole.
    Seed only at a mission with Archelogy as a requirement. Use as an Equipment card. Discard to download The Emissary or Benjamin Sisko. OR Nulify The Pah'Wraiths. If present with The Emissary and any other Orbs the other Orbs effects are doubled.

    Prime Directive- Uncommon
    The Federation is governed by the Pime Directive. Unless a reckless crew, or a very skilled one is present decision involving the Prime Directive can be tedious work for a crew.
    If any <Fed> personal present, entire crew or away team is "stopped" unless Trechery>Honor OR no Leadership OR Diplomacy >5 present. Discard dilemma.

    Hostile Encounter- Rare
    Encounters between unknown life forms and crews or away teams can end with disasterous results.
    <Space> Ship is attacked (Weapons 8, Shields 8). Destroy within countdown for bonus.
    <Planet> Away team is attacked (4 adversaries, Strength 8 each). "Stunned" personal are "stopped" remaining personal continue. If all advaseries killed get bonus.

    Cultural Customs- Rare
    The customs of every society vary. Most are minor inconviences, as with the Vulcan salute. Sometimes, these differances can have major implications. Many races establish embassies to communicate with other species better.
    Unless Anthropology x2 and CUNNING >50 present crew or away team is "stopped" and all treaties you have in play are suspended (do not discard, but have no effect until dilemma resolved). One OFFICER without Diplomacy may stay behind to score points.

    Microwormhole- Common
    Seed one end at any spaceline location. Download the other to any other location. These locations are treated as adjacent, and any ship at either end may play a Hail on another ship at the other end, as if it was the same location.

    Barzan Wormhole- Uncommon
    Play one end at Wormhole Negotaitions. Download another to any other spaceline location. Player who has completed Wormhole Negotiations may use wormhole at any time. If two Navigation aboard there is a 50/50 chance ship will reach its destination at the other end. Otherwise, ships arrives at farthest point from desired endpoint (even if in another quadrent). If 2 Navigation not aboard, ship has a 50/50 chance of reaching it's destination. If ship does not reach it's destination it is destroyed. Opponent may transfer 5 Gold Pressed Latnum Cards to opponent to use the wormhole, exclusivly. (Not duplicable)

    Enchancement- Uncommon
    Many Delta Quadrent cultures use Borg technowlogy to improve their fleets.
    Discard Nano Probes Equipment card to add 2 to any of your ship's attributes. Place Event on ship as a reminder.

    Male Domination- Common
    The Ferengi consist of a male-dominated society, where females are only used as sexual objects.
    When downloaded, must be done so into play. Plays on table. All Alien Groupies, Paralell Romances, and Male's Love Interests are doubled. (May be seeded as a <HA> to nulify Rule of Acqusition 40).

    Rule of Acquisition 10- Uncommon
    "Greed is Eternal"
    Plays on table. All your Greed personal cannot die via random selection. Instead, place them aside and reselect.

    Rule of Acquisition 27- Rare
    "There's nothing more dangerous than an honest businessman."
    Play to make each player lose five points for each Honor personal they have in play. OR to gain five points for each Greed personal they have in play. (limit once per game per player. First action may not be played if opponent is playing Klingon. second action may not be done if you are playing Ferengi.)

    Rule of Acqusition 34- Rare
    "War is good for business."
    Plays on table. Whenever battle is intiated neither players cards are "stopped" (once per turn)(Immune to Kevin Uxbridge).

    Rule of Acqusition 40- Uncommon
    "She can touch your lobes, but never your latnum."
    Play to "stop" all females in play. Discard event. OR Plays on table. Nulifies All Female's Love Interests, and Matracial Society.

    Rule of Acqusition 76- Rare
    "Every once in a while declare peace, it confuses the hell out of your enemies."
    Plays on table. All opponent's attacks are nulified. OR Nulify Rule of Acquisition 34 (discard event).

    Rule of Acquisition 85- Rare
    "Never let the competition know what you're thinking"
    Place your hand face up on table, with all cards visable. Then, take it back, and place one personal face down on table. Ask opponent "What am I thinking this card is?" If correct discard event. If incorrect opponent cannot report any non-Empathy personal their next turn, continue each full turn until event is discarded.

    Rule of Acqusition 95- Rare
    "Expand or die."
    Seeds or plays on table. Each player loses X points if they don't complete a mission by end of the countdown, where X equals the points on their highest point mission.

    Rule of Acquisition 141- Common
    "Only fools pay retail."
    Plays on table. All cards which require you to pay, transfer, or discard Gold Pressed Latnum decreases the number of latnum by one, but keeps the same effect.

    Rule of Acqusition 284- Common
    "Deep down, everyone's a Ferengi."
    Plays on table. Your Ferengi cards may now mix and cooparate with all other affiliations. Nulify only with The Devil.

    Treaty: Federation/ Borg- Common
    In a brief alliance Janeway interacted with the Borg.
    Seed one copy during doorway phase on table. Allows <Fed> and <Borg> in the same deck. Later; Plays on table. Your <Fed> and <Borg> may mix and cooperate. Nulify when Borg have completed 2 Objectives under this Treaty

    Treaty: Klingon/Cardassian- Common
    In the mirror universe the Cardassians and Klingons have jointly formed the Alliance.
    Plays on table. If your <AU> <Car> and <kling> personal in play your <Car> and <Kling> a reconize this treaty. They may mix and cooperate. Discard Treaty if you have no <AU><Car> or no <AU><Kling> personal in play.

    Rule of Acqusition 299- Uncommon
    Rule made up by Neelix posing as the Grand Proxy. "When you exploit someone, it never hurts to thank them."
    Plays on your Nagus, Grand Proxy, or Ferengi outside their native quadrent. Every time that personal helps solve a mission or pass a dilemma gain points equal to 1/2 of their highest attribute (rounded down). Limit one per quadrent.

    Lefler's Laws- Common
    Set of "laws" derived by Robin Lefler. Originally congegated to impress her mother. They're really only things she came up with in her head. Calling them Laws just went along with her name.
    If Robin Lefler in play, she is attributes +2 (+4 if Wesley Crusher in play). Once per turn you may discard a card from your hand to download any Lefler's Law card.

    Lefler's Law # 17- Rare
    "When all else fails, do it yourself."
    Play on table only if you've been "stopped" by a dilemma while having a crew or away team of >4 personal. Your one or two personal away teams are not targeted by cards that only target one or two personal away teams.

    Lefler's Law # 36- Rare
    You gotta go with what works."
    Preannounce any mission. If you later score that mission score X points where X=1/5 of that mission's point box (Maximum 10 points).

    <HA> Lefler's Law # 46- Uncommon
    "Life isn't always fair."
    Seeds or plays on table, reveal at any time. If "that wasn't fair" or "that was cheap" or "That was cheesy" score points. (discard event) OR Nulify any opponent's Lefler's Law cards (score points, discard event).

    Lefler's Law # 91- Rare
    "Always watch your back."
    For this turn all your personal at a location where another personal was just killed are disabled, instead of killed, if 2 SECURITY present. Discard at end of turn.

    Lefler's Law # 103- Common
    Law added by Wesley Crusher "A couple of light years can't keep good friends apart."
    Plays on table.  Nulify's any Love Interests, Romance Cards, and adds 2 to Robin Lefler's and Wesley Crusher's attributes if both in play at seperate locations.

    Rule of Acqusition # 125- Rare
    "You can't make a deal if you're dead."
    Plays on just killed personal (that has not had Klingon Death Yell played on them), owner of that card loses 1 point for each <skill dot> on them OR points equal to highest attribute, whichever is lower.

    Rule of Acqusition # 219- Uncommon
    "Possession is 11/10 of the law"
    Plays on table. Each time opponent controls/steals one of your cards, you gain 11/10 (1.1) points. Discard event, and lose all points, if card attacks (with other cards of opponents) or infiltrates your personal.

    Rule of Acqusition # 8- Rare
    "Small print leads to large risk."
    Play on table as a <HA>. Reveal on opponent's turn just before a mission attempt. Reveal all dilemmas under the mission to opponent for 20 seconds. If opponent continues, and passes all dilemmas sucessfully, they gain five points. If they are "stopped" by any one dilemma, you may "increase the risk" of attempting that mission, add one dilemma from hand, discard pile, or Q's Tent. If opponent later passes this dilemma, they gain ten points. If they do not pass all dilemmas there, they need an extra ten points to win. Place event face down in point area after initial use, once points recieved by any player, place event in their point area.

    Reassignment- Rare
    Reginald Barclay recruited Deanna Troi for a counseling session with Lewis Zimmerman. Throughout all powers reassignment and placement of personal is crucial to achoieve goals.
    Plays on table. Immeadiatly download to one of your facilities any one unique personal, or two <uni> personal OR Plays on any ship in the <DQ>, that ship is attributes +2, and you may download Data Stream.

    <HA><Ref> Reconstruction- Rare
    When a crucial facility is destroyed, especially on a homeworld, the facility is quickly replaced, with necesary upgrades, or retribution is seeked against the attackers.
    Seeds or plays on table. If opponent just destoyed any facility under your control do any or all of the following. Place Facility in hand from discard pile; Download on engineer of matching affiliation of facility destroyed to any planet, or ship at a space mission; download Escape Pod to save any crews of ships docked at that facility; download Defense System Upgrade to hand (may be played for free later on any reconstructed facility); <Place> A Tatic on one ship firing (opponent's choice); or (in place of all previous functions) download a Computer Skill personal of compatable affiliation to destroyed facility to Ops of opponent's station; discard this event (mandatory if any above function was used).

    Nano Probes- Rare
    Used by the Borg for assimilation. Other species have developed ways to use them, usually cellular regeneration.
    Borg: Once per turn may download an assimilation, or Adapt card, or any Drone.
    Other: May prevent one personal from dying (once per turn) if present with Cybernetics. OR allows you to search your discard pile for any one personal and report them to their last location (ship or planet, once per game).

    Gallitep- Uncommon
    Cardassian Station
    Seeds on Bajor. If 3 Bajoran Resistance personal with a hand weapon unopposed here they may comandeer (flip card). While under <Car> control all Bajoran without Resistance are attributes -1 and lose their first listed skill. If no Bajorans in play all Cardassians are atributes +2. Treaty: Cardassian/Bajoran may not be in play.
    Shields 24

    Bajoran Station
    When comandeered you may download Treaty: Cardassian/Bajoran. Your Resistance personal may report for free here (once per turn). All Bajorans are attributes +2. Cardassians may comandeer (flip card) with 3 Obsdiian Order personal unopposed here.
    Shields 24

    Yridian- Common
    Non Aligned Outpost
    Typical Yridian Outpost in the Gamma Quadrent. All affiliations can use them, for the right price.
    Seeds or plays at a <NA> mission. Each player's cards may report here (no personal battles may be intiated here). Each player may use facility, but limit one affiliation per player (unless allowed by a Treaty). Your Alpha Quadrent personal may report aboard (once per turn) if you have no facility in that quadrent. Each player may pay (discard) one Gold Pressed Latnum from hand for each personal reported here. If latnum discarded, next turn one personal may report for free here.

    <Dom> Uncommon
    Primary Alpha Quadrent Facility
    Such Outposts were built by the Dominion to generate "Alpha" Jem'Hadar.
    Seed one if playing Dominion OR Build later at any location you have a <Gamma><Dom> Personal present. If Primary Supply Depot already in <Gamma> may report one Ketracel White here. Resets Ketracel White countdown.

    Unassimilation- Rare
    Nulifies any Assimilation Objective(once per game) discard Incident. OR target any assimilated person, counterpart, or Borg Drone. If present aboard your ship with 2 Medical or one Cybernetics, they are unassimilated. They gain their previous affiliation, drones reporte by opponet are <NA>. Their first listed classification becomes their classification, otherwise they are CIVILAN. Their name and attributes remain unchanged.

    Darts- Common
    Plays on Quark's Bar, Ferengi Trading Pose, or anywhere Julian Bashier is present. Each player chooses one personal to play darts. Each player probes 3 times.
    <Event><Int><Equip><SD> 5 points
    Personal Ship - 10 points
    <Fajo><Bar><RoA> - 20 points.
    Player with the most points recieves one point. Discard one personal after they'ev lost 3 consecutive times. Either player may quit playing darts at any time.

    Imzadi- Common
    Plays on table. All personal "romantically involved with" or as a couple at one point in any series are attributes +2 when together. All Betazeds or personal with Empathy are attributes +1 and their skills are doubled. Nulified only by Tislowski Infection being cured.

    Pon'faar- Uncommon
    Play to "stop" all Vulcans once every 7 turns. OR Plays on one Vulcan (your choice). That Vulcan battles(one per turn) every other personal present, with Strength +7, unless the only other personal present  is a Vulcan of the opposite sex. If alone, that Vulcan dies.

    I Have No Hidden Agenda.- Uncommon
    While investigating Seven's accounts of misconduct Janeway stated she had no hidden agenda.
    Plays to keep any player from revealing any <HA> cards this turn.(discard interrupt) OR Nulify one of your own revealed <HA> cards, unless it is not allowed by the card.

    Data Stream
    A small data stream was found to be able to be briefly opene to the U.S.S. Voyager from the Alpha to Delta Quadrent.
    Choose two quadrents. Any of your ships and facilities in those quadrents may transfer to the other quadrent any Equipment (maximum 3 per turn) or any <holo> personal (limit one per turn). May nulify with Subspace Interfearance.

    Reprograming- Uncommon
    Dr. Noonien Soong constructed the androids Data and Lore, along with many other failed attempts. Data was also able to construct Lal.
    All your Soong Type Androids gain Cybernetics. Also, any Cybernetics personal may reprogram any android present. Or nulifies System Wide Cascade Failure, or Android Nightmares.

    Family Influence- Uncommon
    Lwaxana Troi's actions when she visited on the Enterprise, often interfeared with Deanna's ability to complete her dutites. However, Deanna usually enjoyed her mother's visits.
    Plays when you have two personal related to each other present. Score points, but both are "stopped." Limit once per game per pair of personal.

    God- Rare
    Sybok believed he would find God inside the Great Barrier at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. The Enterprise did discover a being of immense power there.
    Plays to nulify any non-<Borg-O>, non-<Ref> Objective or Incident. OR to download a Computer Skill personal to opponents empty ship. You may also download Comandeer Ship OR to nulify Questionable Beliefs Immune to Amanda Rogers.

    Questionable Beliefs- Uncommon
    While Sybok was willing to give over the Enterprise to God, Kirk was not.
    Nulifies one just played God.OR Plays after any Bajoran with an <Orb> has just helped complete a mission. Reduces mission by 5 points.

    Test Flight- Common
    Space/Planet- Venus- Sol Region- Train Starfleet Academy Cadets on state of the art shuttlecraft.
    (Any personal with "cadet" in Lore OR Wesley Crusher) + Navigation + Ship with no staffing requirements.
    Federation 30 Points
    Range 3

    Explore Spatial Anomoly- Rare
    Space- Devron System- Nuetral Zone Explore recent reporting of spatial anomoly in this area.
    If <Fed> or <Rom> SCIENCE x2 + Stellar Cartography x2 + Astrophysics x2 + Navigation x2 + Leadership + Diplomacy x2 OR Mortal Q + Play Immortal Again to solve. OR If <Kling> 2 <AU> Ships at this location.
    <Fed><Rom><Kling>  40 Points
    Range 6

    Invstigate Society- Uncommon
    Space/Planet- Rubicon III. Explore the Edo society and the mysterious ship orbiting the planet.
    Anthropology x2 + Archeology + Diplomacy + (Ship in orbit with Shields>Weapons) + Intgrity >25
    Edo Vessel's attributes doubled if in orbit. Edo Probes and Worshippers are doubled.
    <Fed><NA> 40 Points
    Range 5

    Observe Technology- Uncommon
    Planet- Beta Magellan- Observe and learn to use advanced computer technowlodgy developed by the Bynars.
    ENGINEER x2 + Computer Skill x5 + Cunning>60
    When you solve download 10 and 01 OR Bynars Weapon Enchancement OR Defense System Upgrade to hand.
    Any Away Team with 2 Diplomacy may attemp mission. 35 Points
    Range 4

    <Uni> Seek Business- Common
    ? Gamma Quadrent System- Negotiate crucial business deal.
    Diplomacy x2 + Acqusition x2 + Smuggling + Greed
    ? = Choose either space or planet when mission enters play.
    <NA><Fer>  35 Pints <Gamma>
    Range 5

    Secure System- Uncommon
    Space- Sol Systerm permimeter- Sol Region. Watch for signs of attack by other species
    SCIENCE x2 + Stellar Cartography + Astrophysics + No opposing ships imn Sol Region.
    X = number of other Sol Region missions.
    <Fed> 15X
    Range 5

    Intiate Terrorist Activity- Rare
    Planet- Strategic Planet. Take away viatl resources by intiating terrorist activities on this planet.
    3 Hand weapons + No Diplomacy + Trechery x2 + (Obsidian Order x3 OR Tal Shiar X2 + Leadership OR Klingon Intelligence x3 OR FCA x3 OR Section 31 x2 + Wartime Conditions on table OR Resistance x3 + 20 points if all are present) + 2 <NA><Maq> personal
    Any away team that can attack ANY affiliation may attempt mission. 45
    Range 4

    Genetic Engineering- Rare
    Play on any Youth personal present with two Medical and one Trechery personal aboard a facility. That personal's skills are erased, and replaced with an equal number (your choice, except one, first listed skill is opponent's choice). Their attributes become Intgrity 5 Cunning 8 and Strength 5. May not be done on any <KW>, <Bar>, or Vulcan personal. Limit once per game per facility.

    Assume Persona- Rare
    Seeds or Plays on table. Instead of reporting (uni)Founder to your Facility you may report it to opponent's facility as an infiltrator. Choose one personal of that affiliation not currently in play. Founder gains that personal's attributes, and its skills and classification replaces the current ones. If infiltrator exposed, it reverts to previous form. Discard Objective if any of these infiltrator(s) exposed.

    Oppose Armada- Common
    Seeds or plays on table. If opponent has attacked you with more than two ships increase your facilities' and ships' shields by the total weapons they attacked with. Upgrade the enchancement after every new battle, if the number has decreased <Flip><Flip><Flip><Flip><Flip> (if you have no Battle Bridge Sidedeck default damage is taken) to any opponent's ship (your choice).

    Capture Personal- Rare
    Plays on table. Target any opponent's personal (at location of your personal, if possible). Your personal may battlle (regradless off affiliation attack restrictions) personal's away team. Personal who engages selected opponent's personal may capture personal. Discard Objective when completed, score points.

    Eject Plasma Collant- Rare
    Seeds or plays on table. Once revealed your intruder or infiltrator (infiltrator is exposed) may eject plasma collant. Probe.
    <Doorway><Event> Sucessful. All organic life on ship dies at end of owner's next turn.
    <Interrupt><Equipment> Minor Fluxuation. Infiltrator or intruder is killed.
    <Skill Dot> Any ship- Complete Failure. Infiltrator or intruder is captured, and if possible, placed in Brig.
    Ship may be cleaned with 2 OFFICER present after that time.
    OR Your ENGINEER personal may Eject plasma collent on your ship to kill 1/2 of crew (rounded down, immeadiatly, and 1/2 at end of their turn.)

    Plans of the Resistance- Rare
    Seeds or plays on table. Whenever you have a Resistance personal in play, your Bajoran Espionage cards play at any time (for free) and may not be nulified. Also, once each turn, you may discard one of your Bajoran espionage cards from hand or table, then draw one card. At any time you may discard this objective from table to download one Bajoran Espionage card. While in play all your Bajorans with Resistance gain "May report free to Bajor or Cardassia" and "Strength +3 against <Car>".

    Assimilate Intruders- Uncommon
    Seeds or plays on table. If, at any time, opponent has intruders on your <borg> ship, you may do any or all of the following. Download Assimilate Counterpart and target on of those personal, assimilate a number of those personal equal to the number of <Def> drones you have there, and/or download one assimilation table there. Discard objective only if opponent wins a personal battle agsint all your Borg in that hive.

    Commandeer Station- Uncommon
    <BorgO> <HA>
    Seeds or play on table. Target one station controlled by opponent (or uncontrolled Empok Nor). Your Borg may dock at that station. Cubes may dock at docking Pylons. If 2 Computer Skill drones are present at Ops you may probe.
    <Nav><Def> Sucessful, you comandeer station  (If Empok Nor, you download no cards)
    <Com> Unsucessful
    Other Panal Overload, one drone at Ops is killed (random slection).

    Assume Identity- Rare
    Seeds or plays on table. Place Objective on one personal just reported Choose on affiliation opponent is playing, Your personal may not be "surgically altered." If aboard a staffed ship with 4 medical and 2 exobiology, or at Infirmary Site with 2 medical, that personal gains infiltration icon for previously selected affiliation. You may now report that personal to opponent's Facility as an infiltrator. Oponent may expose infiltrator by bringing one personal one same ship/planet/site as the altercation was completed to location of infiltrator. Nulify if original personal was Klingon and any Trible present.

    <NA> <Universal> Hologram- Common
    Standard Hologram found on many types of vessels. Skills vary based on the mission. Voyager's Emergency Medical Hologram is an example of these.
    Limit on per ship, crew, or away team.
    When reporting for duty choose any one skill. You may change that skill at the beginning of your turns.
    Intgrity 5 Cunning 7 Strength 4

    <Fed> Captain Barclay- Rare
    Joshua Adane Barclay is a longtime Starfleet officer. Not related to Reginald Barclay, dispises being connected to "the crazy old wizard." Cosidered both science and engineering before going into Command.
    Leadership x2 Diplomacy x2 Navigation ENGINEER Physics  Stellar Cartography
    Intgrity 9 Cunning 9 Strength 6

    <NA> Sons of Soong- Rare
    Data and Lore banded together with Lore's Group of Rouge Borg. Data eventually rebelled.
    Data: Computer Skiil x2 Astrphysics Treachery
    Lore: Treachery x2 Navigation <SD> Rouge Borg Mercinaries (up to 5)
    After 8 turns they gain <Nem-Yellow><Yellow-Nem> icons, and you must discard this, downloading only one of the two.
    Intgrity 3+1 Cunning 6+9 Strength 8+10

    <Fed> Admiral Hastur- Uncommon
    Leader of the relief force sent to deal with the Klingon invasion of Cardassian space. Commanded the U.S.S. Venture on that mission. Impervious about his logs.
    V.I.P. <Com>
    Leadership Diplomacy <SD> Captain's Log
    Intgrity 8 Cunning 6 Strength 6

    <NA> Ardra- Rare
    Mythical figure to he residents of Ventax II. In reality commands a Xepolite Freighter using technowlogical tricks to confused the inhabitants, and Federation. Fond of Data.
    CIVILAN <Com>
    Does not work with <Fed> affiliation.
    Leadership Trachery x2 Computer Skill <SD> The Devil <SD> Fek'lor    Attributes +2 if with any android.
    Intgrity 3 Cunning 9 Strength 6

    <Kling> Kozak- Uncommon
    High Council member who was the leader of the House of Kozak. Gambeler. Husband to Gril'ka. Squanderd away his house's finacial profits.
    Treachery  Navigation  Leadership <SD> Dabo Allows Dabo to be played at any location he is present.
    Intgrity 5 Cunning 5 Strength 8

    <Baj><Uni>Vedek- Common
    Typical Vedek in the Vedek Assembly.
    Diplomacy Leadership SCIENCE
    Intgrity 8  Cunning 5  Strength 5

    <Car>Illiana- Uncommon
    Kira Nerys, surgically altered, was told she was really a Cardassian and her time as a Bajoran had been outside of her true self. She revolted against this "truth" and found it to be false. Torn between he life as a Cardassian and Bajoran.
    Leadership  Obsidian Order  Resistance  Trechery
    Intgrity 2  Cunning 8  Strength 6

    <Car>Gul Darh'e'el- Rarre
    Gul in command of Gallitep during the Bajoran Occupation. Murdered. His ghost is said to still be lurking at Gallitep.
    Leadership  Obsidian Order  May report for free to Gallitep <SD> Tortue
    Intgrity 5  Cunning 5  Strength 8

    <Dom> Vorta Clone- Common
    Clone for a deceased Vorta. Can be cloned up to 7 times.
    * Play as a killed Vorta (for free if Clone Machine in play).
    Intgrity * Cunning *  Strength *

    <Fed> Commander Bruce Maddox- Uncommon
    Starfleet Commander. Renown cybernetiscist. Wanted to take Data in for study.
    Cybernetics SCIENCE
    Intgrity 3  Cunning 8  Strength 5

    <Fed>Commader Kieran MacDuff- Uncommon
    Infiltrator whom attempted to pursuade the Enterprise crew to attack a Lysian Outpost. Assumed position of Enterprise's First Officer. Took brief command of the ship when he deemed Picard "unfit" for duty.
    Leadership  Diplomacy -1  Coundrum cannot be overcome.
    Intgrity 5  Cunning 8 Strength 7

    <Fed><NA>Macias- Common
    Former Federation citizen in the Dematerialzed Zone. Joined the Maquis. Respected member of the Maquis.
    Leadership <SD> Any Hand Weapon Missions in the Dematerialzed Zone Region are worth 5 points more.
    Intgrity 6  Cunning 7 Strength 5

    <Fer>Kono- Uncommon
    Quark's Cousin. Robbed a museum on Cardassia V. When confronted by Deep Space Nine authroities while visiting Quark, he attempted escape on a Tellarite Freightor, but failed.
    Acqusition  Smuggling x2 <SD> Escape Pod
    Intgrity 3  Cunning 4 Strength 4

    <Kling>D'Ghor- Rare
    Leader of the House of D'Ghor. Attempted to scheme his way into the High Council by taking over the House of Kozak's profits.
    Trechery  Leadership  Greed Navigation <SD> Gold Pressed Latnum
    Intgrity 5  Cunning 6  Strength  9

    <NA>Professor Moriarty- Rare
    Sentient Hologram, attempted to gain control of and did briefly command, in a sense, the USS Enterprise. Supposably could defeat Data.
    Leadership Diplomacy Honor Music <SD> Capture Personal
    Intgrity 6  Cunning 8 Strength 9

    <Fed>Lt. Reginald Barclay- Rare
    Federation Engineer stationed with Doctor lewis Zimmerman on Jupiter Station. Completed project to find Voyager. Later transfered Voyager's EMH to help Zimmerman.
    ENGINEER Computer Skill x2 Honor <SD>Reassignment <SD>Any <Fed> <Holo> personal.
    Intgrity 7 Cunning 7 Strength 6

    <Rom> Major Rakal- Rare
    True Tal Shar major. Killed in order for Deanna Troi to complete to M'ret Defection Plot. Highly loyal to the Romulan military, but not as bright as others of her rank.
    Tal Shiar x2 Honor x2 Navigation May not replace any other Major Rakal card. Your Romulans without Trechery present are Intgrity +2.
    Intgrity 7 Cunning 4 Strength 5

    <Fed> Mot And Bot- Rare
    Barbers aboard the USS Enterprise D. Both helped disguise Enterprise crew members on seperate occasions.
    Mot: Barbering <SD> Mot's Advice
    Bot: Barbering <SD> Any Federation On... Espionage Card
    Ingrity 7+6 Cunning 7+6 Strength 3+4

    <Borg> Ten of Twenty- Uncommon
    Precautionary Drone
    Normally drone first sent on a scout mission to examine hazards
    Orion Species
    SECURITY Navigation x2 If alone scouting a mission, without hive enhancements, all drones in hive are attributes +1, and ship this drone is on is attributes +2, and opponent gains no points for detsroying it for rest of game.

    <Car> Xeplon- Uncommon
    One of many ships the Caretaker brought into the Delta Quadrent before the U.S.S. Voyager destroyed his array.
    Attributes +2 in the Delta Quadrent.
    <Com> Staff Staff
    Tractor Beam Holodeck
    Range 8 Weapons 9 Shields 9

    <Fed> U.S.S. Elite- Rare
    State of the art Federation ship. Was the Federation flagship in a paralell universe. Transported here. Given command to Captain Barclay.
    Cloaking Device Holodeck Tractor Beam <SD>Ghendin Taraquad Blaster
    Range 9 Weapons 9 Shields 9

    <fed> U.S.S. Venture- Uncommon
    Lead ship in the relief effort sent to Deep Space Nine to deal with the Klingon invasion of Cardassian space.
    Galaxy Class
    <Com><Staff><Staff> Holodeck Tractor Beam
    Range 9 Weapons 8 Shhields 9

    <Baj>Solar-Sail Vessel- Common
    Anchient Class of vessel believed to caryy Bajorans to Cardassia. Believed impossible until Benjamin Sisko did exactly that, commanding this type of vessel.
    Anchient Sail Vessel
    <Staff> * Relocate from Bajoran system to any other point on spaceline. Otherwise Range=3.
    Range *  No Weapons  Shields    1

    <Car>Bok'Nor- Uncommon
    Cardassian Freighter. Blown up at Deep Space Nine by Maquis activists. Believed to be carrying weapons to the dematerialized zone.
    Military Freighter
    <Com><Nem-Blue> * X=1 for every 2 hand weapons aboard (maximum +4) <Maq> ships gain <Blue-Nem>
    Range 6+X  WEapons 7+X Shields 7+X

    <NA><Uni>Maquis Ship- Common
    Typical ship used by the Maquis in their dealings.
    <Maq><Maq><Staff> Long Range Scan Shielding  Tractor Beam
    Range 7  Weapons 7  Shields 7

    <Uni><Fed> U.S.S. Soverign- Uncommon
    Prototype for new class of Federation starships. One was later named to be the Enterprise-E.
    <Com><Com><Staff> Holodeck, Tractor Beam, once per game may download USS Enterprise E. This ship is discarded.
    Range 9 Weapons 10 Shields 9

    Ghendin Taraquad Blaster- Common
    Attack 2
    Defense 2
    Attack bonus +1 if any Federation ship firing. Defense bonus +2 if U.S.S. Elite defending. Both bonuses +1 if any <AU> ship.
    Hit <Place><Flip>
    Direct Hit <Place><Flip><Flip><Flip>
    Complete Systems Overload- Range disabled this turn. Next turn Weapons disabled. Followed by Shields, etc. Repair by discarding any equipment aboard.
    Hull -10%

    Diamond Slot Formation- Common
    Attack 1
    Defnse 1
    Defense Bonus +1 for each ship fighting.
    Hit <Flip><Flip><Flip>
    Direct Hit <Flip><Flip><Flip><Flip><Flip>
    Range is disabled until end of your next turn and all Officers are "stopped"  Hull -25%

    Auxillary Power to Shields- Uncommon
    Attack -2
    Defense 5
    Hit <Flip>
    Direct Hit <Flip><Flip><Flip>
    Shield Overload- Shields disabled until end of turn   Hull -30%

    Escape Route- Rare
    Attack 0
    Defense 0
    Allows your ship a 50/50 chance to escape to any spaceline location using any remaining range. If escape sucessful battle ends unless any ships remain. Hit <Flip> Direct Hit <Place><Flip>
    Range enchancements offline
    Range -3 Hull -15%

    <3> 1,000,000 Tribbles- Rare
    Breeds from 100,000 Tribbles. "Die" (discard) when countdown expires. Entire crew is disabled. Also, ship may not use RANGE or WEAPONS for any purpose. Nulify only with Transporter skill on another ship (Tribbles are transfered to that ship, and countdown resets).

    ... With the Docking Clamps
    When a facility's docking area ceases to function, traffic in and out of the area can hinder effectiveness.
    100: Each ship docking or undocking at this facility completes docking or undocking at end of turn.
    1,000: Ships may undock, but not dock, from this facility.
    100,000: Transporter Skill may not beam tribbles to this facility.

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