In Nomini Patro Luciferus

Make Almighty Lucifer your Master and join the International Luciferian Brotherhood here to promote His Kingdom, here on earth. Welcome to the Home Page of Fraternitas Luciferus (The Brotherhood of the Light Bringer). If you are disillusioned with established religion and the hypocrisy which goes with it, come and join the Fraternitas Luciferus. We recognise Almighty Lucifer as Lord of this World. It is His Kingdom and we promote His ideology of sensuality, indulgence, and wise stewardship.

We rejoice in the pleasures of the flesh and carnality for its own sake, provided it is under the Crowleyan maxim "Do what Thou Wilt and Harm None!" We use the Baphomet/Goat of Mendes altar cloth as shown above. Practicing Luciferians are welcome to establish local chapels based upon the tenets outlined in our policy document as part of the international network of "Fraternitas Luciferus" Those who wish to practice Luciferian ritual magic and who seek ordination into the Ministry of Fraternitas Luciferus will first require to submit themselves to initiation at the HQ. They should first send a CV detailing their beliefs and practices. If their application is approved then further arrangements will be made with the Postulant."
