Systems Integration, Inc.



Your solutions provider for business information systems .ution for the year 2000 and beyond....

Thru-put / PointMan / Maincor / AS/400

Mapics Products Overview


MAPICS XA Product Family

MAPICS is the most widely-used manufacturing software system in the world. Its modular design allows selecting from more than 40 applications to custom configure the right solution for a specific manufacturing situation -- while preserving your ability to add additional application modules at any time. These applications address all areas of your business.


Business Management

The MAPICS XA Business Management application modules will ease the demands of running a business in what is often a small staff environment. This product group includes seven integrated core applications. Cross Application Support, Visual WorkPlace, PowerVision, Executive Information System, Electronic Commerce, Manufacturing Performance Analysis and Info WorkPlace.

Convenience... control... results... through integrated information management tools.

Cross-Applications Support (CAS) manages the system and its data, handles security, installation and tailoring duties, user "help" function and more.

Visual WorkPlace (VWP) is a graphical user interface available to users of all AS/400-based MAPICS XA applications.

PowerVision (PV) is a graphical information access tool which combines data from multiple applications and presents it in convenient Windows formats with drill-down access to supporting detail.

Executive Information System (EIS) presents summarized business measurements (finance, manufacturing and sales) and stores successive measurements for trend analysis.

Electronic Commerce (EC) is a comprehensive MAPICS interface to outside electronic communications facilities including EDI, FAX and more.

Manufacturing Performance Analysis (MPA) provides a series of continuous measurements to assist production management in monitoring the relative health of the MRP II portion of the system.

Info WorkPlace (IWP), including Jacana and Valet, provides easy-to-use tools for generating custom reporting from MAPICS and all other AS/400 data.

MAPICS Browser (MB) is a Windows® based inquiry tool allowing easy and customizable access to critical business information in MAPICS XA.



Demand Management

The MAPICS XA Demand Management application modules provide support for high quality responsive customer service. This product group includes five integrated core applications: Customer Order Management, Market Monitoring and Analysis, Sales Analysis, COM_Net and Forecasting.

Consistent... efficient... responsive... marketing performance for customer service.

Customer Order Management (COM) captures customer product requirements quickly and effectively and monitors an order's progress through shipment.

Marketing Monitoring & Analysis (MMA) is a graphical sales analysis tool which quickly pinpoints product, customer and channel sales and profit activities to the finest level of detail. The more traditional Sales Analysis (SA) is for less demanding marketing situations.

COM_Net allows MAPICS users to provide their customers with Internet access for order entry and inquiry.

Forecasting (FCST) uses sales history to project future demand.



Engineering Management

The MAPICS XA Engineering Management application modules provide tools that define and manage manufacturing information for a business and production environment. This product group includes five integrated core applications: Product Data Management, PDMPlus, Enterprise Product Data Management, Estimating and Quote Management and Knowledge-Based Configurator.

Efficiency... competitive power... through systematized production.

Product Data Management (PDM) provides a single repository for product and process definitions and performs product (standard) costing.

PDMPlus provides the means to display product and process information graphically - allowing engineers to use "point-and-click" to examine and modify item information.

Estimating & Quote Management (EQM) quickly defines customer requirements for quoting custom designs.

Enterprise Product Data Management (EPDM) provides powerful inquiries and integrated workflow capabilities for creating and maintaining product data with site and revision level support.

Knowledge-Based Configurator (KBC) helps define products in build-to-order environments.



Operations Management

The MAPICS XA Operation Management application modules assist in the "operations" of the plant floor in a manufacturing facility. This product group includes five integrated core applications: Inventory Management, Production Control and Costing, Repetitive Production Management, Production Monitoring and Control, Purchasing and Procurement Management.

Efficiency... timeliness... through linked processes and activities.

Inventory Management (IM) tracks warehouse balances, processes inventory transactions, cycle counting and inventory valuation.

Production Control & Costing (PC&C) schedules manufacturing operations, sets priorities, accepts activity reporting, manages work flow, provides work center analysis and tracks actual manufacturing order costs.

Repetitive Production Management (REP), for continuous flow production, schedules production lines, handles material movement via electronic Kanban and tracks schedule compliance.

Production Monitoring & Control (PM&C) is the interface for automated data collection equipment for reporting production activities, inventory movement and (payroll) time and attendance.

Purchasing (PUR) supports quotes, requisitions and purchase orders, vendor performance measurements and receiving (dock-to-stock) activities.

Procurement Management (PM) provides the capability to manage and control the acquisition of essential materials using the MAPICS client server architecture.



Resource Planning

The MAPICS XA Resource Planning application modules determine material, labor and machine requirements and help to assure that a proper supply of each is available. This product group includes fine integrated core applications: Master Production Schedule Planning, Material Requirements Planning, Capacity Requirements Planning, InterSite Logistics and Multi-Environment InterSite Logistics, and Finite Capacity Planning and Scheduling.

Market responsiveness... accuracy... through managed products and projections.

Master Production Schedule Planning (MPSP) tools support production planning, master scheduling, resource requirements planning, rough-cut capacity planning and available-to-promise.

Material Requirements Planning (MRP) develops recommended purchase and production activities needed to meet customer requirements.

Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP) simulates plant-floor loading for pro-active workflow management.

Finite Capacity Planning and Scheduling (FCPS) is a state-of-the-art finite capacity scheduler and graphical management tool.

InterSite Logistics and Multi-Environment InterSite Logistics (ISL/MISL) provide a multi-site planning system to manage supply and demand of manufactured goods.



Financial Management

The International Financial Management (IFM) family of financial applications offers powerful multinational capabilities for complex organizations which require multi-company, multi-currency and/or international language and taxation features which make it easy to streamline and integrate your worldwide enterprise.

Fiscal security... profitability... transmitted through local and global integration.

International Financial Management features fully integrated General Ledger, Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable modules, including cash management, budgeting and flexible reporting functions.

A Fixed Assets accounting module completes the IFM financial offering. IFM brings the necessary controls and function required to do business in a complex, global economy.

In addition, the Accounting Management (AM) family of financial applications offers powerful integrated capabilities for smaller to mid-size operations that do not require extensive multinational, multi-language and drill-back capabilities included in the International Financial Management product family.

General Ledger (GL) receives transactions, keeps the ledger in balance and produces financial reports.

Accounts Payable (AP) manages open invoices and payments.

Accounts Receivable (AR) completes the cash flow management procedure with captured invoice information received directly from Customer Order Management (or manual entry) and manages cash receipts.

Financial Analysis (FA) extends the General Ledger with budgeting, fixed asset accounting, financial ratio calculator, recurring journal entries and a report writer.

ControllerVision (CV) is a financial reporting and consolidation application which brings world class financial statement production capability to MAPICS Accounting Management General Ledger.

USA Payroll (PR) supports flexible payment and deduction processing and interfaces to MAPICS XA manufacturing.

Contract Accounting (CA) tracks activities and costs from multiple purchasing and manufacturing activities -- over an extended period of time -- and applies them to specific contracts.




The AS/400

The Preferred MAPICS Platform

Installed in 98 percent of the Fortune 100 companies, sold in 120 countries and enabled in 40 languages, what makes the IBM AS/400 so popular? According to independent consulting firm D.H. Andrews Group, "No other option combines the reliability, application package inventory, ease of use and low cost of ownership that AS/400 systems offer when used where they fit."

International Data Corporation concurs with the AS/400 acceptance assessments. In its 1997 research study comparing speed of deployment among server architectures, the AS/400 ranked consistently better than other midrange or PC LAN servers. Combined with less developers' time requirements, the AS/400 easily rated highest in overall customer satisfaction.

Since its introduction in 1988, the AS/400 continues to keep pace with technology advancements. In fact, the second generation AS/400, the Advanced Series launched in 1994, steadily evolves with new models and technology. Advancements include the AS/400e Custom Mixed Mode Servers, the 64 bit PowerPC RISC processor and operating system upgrades that enhance the AS/400's client/server, multimedia, object oriented, Internet and network centric environment performance.

In today's world of client/server computing, the AS/400 Advanced Series represents a new class of server. A recent report from Gartner Group considers the AS/400 Advanced Series to be the best technology available for supporting enterprise server platforms and the related client/server applications.

Despite innovative improvements, IBM protects the customer's investment by making the technology invisible to the applications. No reprogramming changes are required, thanks to the AS/400's unique architecture.

With more than 400,000 systems installed, no other computer system rivals the success of the AS/400. In a recent Advanced Manufacturing Research survey, the AS/400 was the highest rated hardware platform on the market. Customer loyalty provides true testimony to the system's reliability and value. It's no wonder the AS/400 has been the preferred MAPICS platform since 1988.

AS/400 information from IBM





Maintenance & Calibration Management Software

Maincor is designed with the latest in Client/Server technology, providing your company with the flexibility needed for growth and expansion.  Maincor is a true Client/Server solution written for Microsoft Windows and Windows NT using Oracle as its database.  And it's fast!  Whether it's a standalone, Local Area Network or Wide Area Network application, Maincor's speed and performance will exceed all expectations.

Designed to reflect the individual organization, Maincor provides users with the flexibility to set up systems that easily adapt to their own operations.  Step-by-step instructions allow users to tailor Maincor to their specific needs. 


* Sites, Buildings and Locations

* Shops

* Personnel and Skills

* Manufacturers, Vendors, and Terms

* Parts and Part Categories

* Equipment

* Instruction Sets and Part Lists

* Schedules

* Stock Rooms and Bins

* Inspection Points and Routings

* Calibrations

A product by Sofwave, Inc.

Maincor is a trademark of Sofwave, Inc.



Internet-enabled ERP system that includes tightly-integrated customer service, manufacturing, and finance applications.


Point.Man consists of three ERP engines:

*Customer Service




Engines may be implemented independently or as an integrated ERP system using a common relational database management system.

  23 integrated modules are incorporated in the Point.Man solution to deliver next-generation functionality:

*Executive management



*Sales and marketing

*Customer service





*Multi-plant support

*Complete multi-currency

*Lot and serial number tracking

*Activity-based costing


*Data interchange (EDI)

*Product configuration



  Technology Leadership Capabilities:

*Takes full advantage of the Windows' environment

*Interface is Microsoft Common User Access (CUA) compliant

*Runs on Windows 95 and Windows NT clients.

*Supports Microsoft's BackOffice environment including Windows NT

*Short learning curve for navigation and usage

*Ablility seamlessly integrate with office applications such as Microsoft's Excel and Word.



  Point.Man features:

*True Client/Server Architecture

*Decision Support

*Object-Oriented Programming

*Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)

*Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)

*Graphical Analysis

*Extended Relational Analysis Data Model

*Extensive Simulation



  Hardware Support:

*Microsoft NT



*DEC Alpha

*Data General

 Pointman® is a product of PIVOTPOINT.





Manufacturing 5 offers manufacturing-centric companies a highly focused, functionally rich solution for internal supply chain management. With the latest release of Thru-Put Manufacturing 5 (formerly referred to as Resonance), functionality is extended to include multi-plant capabilities, and adds unique decision support modules for a broad range of corporate users.


From long-range strategy to detailed materials, capacity and shop floor scheduling, the advanced planning capabilities of Thru-Put Manufacturing 5 deliver results for even the most complex operations. Fast.


* Information and analysis for optimized material planning and resource scheduling

* Reliable constraint identification, analysis and management

* Internal and external supply-chain management

* Integrates easily with legacy systems

* Customizable reports

* Web-browser enabled

* Robust, enterprise-level software suite

Click here for more details: Thru-Put Overview


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Mapics / AS/400 / Pointman / Maincor / Thru-put