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June 25, 2000
The Smith Family's Pig Fest 

Thanks to Ian Smith - a Raging Bull buddy of ours - we spent a wonderful day at his family's farm near State College, PA. Every year, they hold a 'pig fest' - a great picnic whose guest of honor is a roast pig, succulent and deliciously topped with the family's Georgia style barbecue sauce! 

(All pictures can be viewed full size by couble clicking them)

Well, here's the "Guest of Honor" in all his glory.  While Mr. Piggy roasted from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., guests gathered with mounting anticipation - accompanied by great munchies, beer, lemonade, and wonderful people!

Katherine Smith was a great hostess, organizing everything and still having time to enjoy her friends.

Ian enjoyed greeting the over 100 friends that came by from near and far.

Well, all's well that ends well.  Here's Mr. Piggy being turned into dinner by a hard-working band of butchers.

Everyone trooped up to the "big top" where all the wonderful things brought by guests awaited.
All had a fabulous day! 
Thank you, Katherine, John, Ian and Laurie!

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