I would like to clear the misconception that the people have
about ISLAM and MUSLIMS. First of all, there is no "ISLAMIC TERRORISM"
and "FUNDAMENTALISM" in Islam as the western media calls it and has been
propagating. There are good and bad people in every nation. Muslims are
not allowed to "harm or kill" any fellow human being, even an animal for
no reason and there are severe punishments for a person who does it. If
somebody does this kind of merciless act and claims to have it done
because of Islam, he is wrong and he better check his beliefs and his
concept of Islam. These people should not be called MUSLIMS rather non-
practicing and misled Muslims.
       "ALLAH"  is not a Moon or Pagan  GOD, as lot  of  people belief. I
don't know why  Islam  is so exotic and unfamiliar to people here.  Allah
is the name of God in Arabic and  HE  is the same one and only GOD, which
the Jews,  Christians and we Muslims believe in.  HE  has  no  SON,  or a
Daughter  or  a Wife.  He is  ALONE  and  All-powerful  and  Mighty. As a
Muslim, we believe in all the  PROPHETS, in all the  REVELATIONS ( Torah,
 Bible ), in all the ANGELS,  day of  RESURRECTION and  RECKONING, HEAVEN
and HELL and in that whatever good or bad comes, it comes from  GOD.  God
sent about  1,24,000  prophets in different  times,  places and  nations.
Whenever  the  condition of people  worsened  one or  more  prophets were
sent. Mohammed is one of the last prophets of this chain.
        If you compare Torah, Bible and the  Quran, you  will find lot of
similarities, common laws and punishments,  rituals and  prayers.  We  as
Muslims, don't believe in the fact that  JESUS  is the Son of God, rather
his truthful prophet as were many.  To  argue with this fact, we all know
that ADAM was the first of the mankind.  Please think how was he created,
he never had a father or a mother. It was God who created him.  Was  ADAM
God himself as he never had a father nor a mother? No. If God can  create
Adam without parents, cannot he create  JESUS  without a  father  to show
how powerful he is ?. Do think about it. Also,  Jesus  came as a  prophet
amongst the people of Israel, which were already  following the teachings
of Moses and the others that followed him. Why was another prophet needed
then and why did a majority of the people started following Jesus?. It is
because, whenever a new prophet comes,  his teachings are more up-to-date
and  conforming to the  need of  that  time and the  old teachings of his
predecessors is always abandoned.  So in the same sense, why don't people
study Islam as Mohammed  (the last of the prophets) came after Jesus with
the same message which Jesus, Moses and the other great prophets brought.
        There is no more  MESSIAH coming,  if  you are  still waiting for
him.  JESUS  will return at the end of time  (which is near).  But do you
know he will be calling himself a Christian or a Jew?, Rather, a MUSLIM.