This is the section that I have decided to be about me, which is ironic since the whole website is technically about me.  Anyways, this is where I'll put stuff that really isn't all that interesting like my age and stuff.  I might change it up just to make it interesting.  I thought about making it like some sort of superhero trading card.  That could be kewl.

Real name:  Matt Wilson

Age: 20

Birth date:  September 29th

Current Status:  Living in an apartment with two friends, going to school, and working.

I found this quiz thing on Hero

You're A Hero! You live to save the world! You are honest, true, and always victorious!
You may not always get the girls/boys, but all you really want to do is battle the bad guys.

What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla