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Oregon Trail 101 (Frequently Asked Questions)
Oregon Trail FAQ

Answer each question in a complete sentence.

1. What is the Oregon Trail?

2. How could it be possible to make a wrong turn?

3. Where did the trail begin and end?

4. What was "Oregon Country"?

5. Give three reasons why people wanted to go to Oregon.

6. Why were some Indians angry at the Europeans and Americans?

7. Why did most Indians welcome the white settlers?

8. What was responsible for the death of whole Indian tribes?

9. Name three pioneers who deserve credit for keeping peace with the Indians?

10. What was the last major tribe left in Oregon Country?

11. What four groups paved the way for the settlers who broke the British claim to the Pacific Northwest?

12. What were the British doing in the Pacifc Northwest anyway?

13. Name five trails going west besides the Oregon Trail.

14. Where did the Oregon Trail and the California Trail split?

15. How long did it take to get to Oregon?

16. What was the trip like?

17. About how many people died trying to go to Oregon?

18. How did people die going to Oregon?

19. How Many people came west on the Oregon Trail?

20. When was the Oregon Trail in regular use?

21. About what year was it when the last people traveled the trail? -----------------------------110253844535589 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userfile"; filename=""