Jay Brown - Teacher
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E-mail: jbrown@haverford.org
Subject: Computer Studies
Grades: 4th and 5th.....................................................................................
School: The Haverford School
Resource Links
General Areas of Study for 4th and 5th Grade
Internet Acceptable Use Policy
Word Processing
Programming in Logo
Graphing using
Internet Research
Illustrations using KidPix
Web Page Authoring using Composer
Simulation Software
Mathematics Software
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Acceptable Use Policy
The Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) means that students will use technology in a way that is consistent with the mission of The Haverford School. Boys in the 4th and 5th grade read lab rules and expectations aloud on the first day of Computer Studies class. Lab rules and expectations for computer use extend into library and the classroom. Time is taken for questions and answers, and students are required to save the rules and expectations into their home directories. Students who do not follow the lab rules or expectations may lose their Internet privileges. A letter home will have to be signed and dated by both the student and his parents for students who violate the AUP to regain Internet privileges.
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Haverford School 4th and 5th grade students have e-mail
accounts through the school. Students access their
e-mail to read directions for lab assignments, review links to useful Web resources, and collaborate with others in the class. Students also check their e-mail when they have completed an assignment for feedback on their work, updates and reminders.
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Word Processing
Haverford School 4th and 5th grade students use word
processing to complete writing assignments for language arts, social studies,
math and science. Students learn to format text by changing fonts, using
tabs for indenting, text alignment, inserting graphics, and hyperlinks. Students learn to use spell-check, thesaurus, and are instructed not
to print their document until a spell-check is completed.
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Programming in Logo
Haverford School 4th and 5th grade students learn to program and problem solve with logo. Topics explored include multiple procedures, loops, recursion, random numbers, variables and conditionals. Projects include student-made mazes, Greek architecture, and optical illusions, all of which are designed to be fun while reinforcing both mathematical and programming concepts.
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Haverford School 4th and 5th grade students learn the home row technique (ASDF-JKL;) for keyboarding. There are three keyboarding units throughout the year. Each unit consists of at least seven lessons in Type to Learn. Each lesson usually lasts no more than 15-20 minutes. Each unit culminates in teacher observation with recorded score for speed and accuracy, individual feedback, and goals for the next unit, which appear on the student's report card. A student may test out of keyboarding if he can type faster than 50 words per minute with greater than 90% accuracy on lessons 10-22 from Type to Learn.
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using Spreadsheets
Haverford School 4th and 5th grade students learn to enter data into spreadsheets and create charts to graphically represent
information. Projects support both the math, social studies, and science
areas and often are accompanied by a word processed report. Boys in the 4th grade have created graphs based on information from
nutrition labels, and Web calorie counters to prepare their own daily menu. Boys in the 5th grade have used spreadsheets to graph latitude and temperature data, and have entered survey data to prove or disprove a theory. As part of a word processed report, students must make predictions before they conduct surveys, and reflect upon the data.
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Internet Research
Haverford School 4th and 5th grade students learn to use the Internet to conduct research for their science, social studies,
art, and Computer Studies assignments. To help guide the search, teachers provide students with a number of useful Web sites through e-mail, and teacher Web pages. Students are also shown how to use
search engines to locate
information, allowing for discussion of appropriate keywords and search strategies. If information or graphics are obtained from the Internet,
students are instructed to observe all copyright laws and cite sources
as part of their bibliography. PLEASE NOTE: The Haverford School has an Internet filter in place to limit objectionable content. The filter, combined with teacher guidance, allow for the best possible use of Internet resources.
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Illustrations Using KidPix
Haverford School 4th and 5th grade students use KidPix to create illustrations which support the art, language arts, socials studies, and Computer Studies areas. Graphics and text are pasted into other applications such as Word, HyperStudio or Netscape Composer, and are printed and displayed in the classroom, and hallway.
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Web Page Authoring using Composer
Haverford School 4th and 5th grade students use Netscape Composer to create web page portfolios of completed projects.
Students learn that simple is better when constructing a web site
and that consistency is an important element for both the author and the
user. Links, graphics, backgrounds, text format, spelling, copyright
issues and bibliography are emphasized.
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Simulation Software
Haverford School 4th and 5th grade students use simulation software to reinforce spatial skills required for problem solving in Logo. Terrapin Software's Crystal Rain Forest is incorportated
as part of activities supplemental to the computer science curriculum. Engineering software from West Point Military Academy is used in the 5th grade for students to design bridges, and run simulations as part of an annual contest. Students take notes
during simulations for use in reports done in Word,
supporting the social studies, math and language arts curriculum.
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Haverford School 4th and 5th grade students may use HyperStudio to create stories and reports which support both the language arts, social studies and science curriculum. Students create concept maps with Inspiration to organize their work. HyperStudio allows for students to import graphics, voice, text, backgrounds, and transition effects.
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Mathematics Software
Haverford School 4th and 5th grade students utilize mathematics
software to solve problems of various types including multiplication, division,
fractions, decimals and geometry. Mathematics software is often prescribed
when students are in the midst of studying specific concepts and is used
in conjunction with other activities such as keyboarding or logo projects.
Another great resource is Scholastic
Network, which provide a wide range of curriculum activities and links.
In particluar, Math Mavens is an activity utilized both in our school's
resource room as well as homerooms and in the computer lab.
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Mr. Brown's Recommended Student
Science Made Simple
Get great projects and experiments with clear, detailed
answers to common science questions.
Harcourt Brace Math Advantage
Publishers of the math textbook we use at school. Here
you will find several fun activities that relate to concepts from various
Ask Dr. Math
Have a Kindergarten to Grade 12 math question? Here's
the place to look for an answer.
Scholastic Network
A great resource for students and teachers in all curriculum
areas. The site is updated with seasonal themes, authors online, current
events and various curricular games, contests and activites. Haverford
School students should contact Mr.
Brown for the user name and password to the member area.
CIA Kid's Page
A fantastic geography resource with maps and information
that kids can use in their reports. Don't forget to list your sources!
Searching for Information?
Probably one of the simplest, most straightforward search
engines around.
This site is specially designed for kids who want to
search for information about all subject areas.
Ask Jeeves for Kids
This site allows kids to type a question and receive
links to appropriate sites on the Internet.
A search engine tailored to help students from kindergarten
through high school do their homework. Includes databases of sites in history,
math, science and social studies.
This site is a multi-search engine which compiles the
results of many differents search engines, thus providing a broad search.
A dictionary and encyclopedia rolled into one.
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