A Thesis Research Project by: Luis F. Montoya

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Last Updated on 08/01/03

Note: This research has not been finished, and probably never will in its current format!!


Home automation is a relative new industry that uses all the electronic resources recently developed to create a more pleasant and efficient environment by way of computer networking and embedded control. Several protocols have emerged to capitalize on these ideas, and at the present time, it doesn't appear to be a clear winner, but rather a coexistence of them in the market place. Clear contenders for a share of the home automation market are X-10, CEBus and LonWorks.

The apparent "war" of protocols makes a ripe market for smart interpreters and gateways that arbitrate between them and allow the system to issue a command in one of the protocols in response to a request from a different one. This project intends to delve into some of these needs.

If you are interested in reading the actual dissertation, click here


NOTE: The order of this index do not reflect the order in which the research is being conducted.

Progress Report

Power Line Communications: A Brief Study

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A Comparison Study of The Studied Technologies

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Design of a Multiprotocol Gateway

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Application of the Multiprotocol Gateway

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Thesis Chapters

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You can reach me at luism@ieee.org
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