About This Site

This is an electronics (mainly) related site which was started in December of 1998, intended for anyone interested in or learning electronics. Unlike many sites, I will actually put useful INFORMATION on my site, not just show you pictures of every project I ever did without any explanation! Everything on my site is written, drawn, etc., by me, unless otherwise noted. I do not just steal schematics from magazines and other sites, and slop them onto mine. I will try my best to keep all information accurate and up-to-date, and will try to provide metric and British units for measurements. I am also working on making this site suitable for all types of browsers. I know it can be annoying to have a browser that cannot read important parts of a document such as graphics, frames, or javascript. So for that reason I use only plain basic HTML, and I do use GIFs and JPEGs (pictures) for those of you with a graphical browser, but I am currently working on provide an ASCII alternate to them for those of you with a text only browser. Although I cannot provide an alternate to pictures of actual objects, I will be able to provide an alternate for schematics, charts, and drawings. I will also keep these pages free from ads, banners, pointless graphics and animations, music and sounds that play automatically, backgrounds, colored text, and other annoying things that take up loading time, make it impossible to read anything, and are just plain dumb to have on a page that has nothing to do with them (but I have no control over what Geocities forces you to download). So in other words, I am trying to make accurate legible useful information available to all people.

I also will reply to any e-mails you send me, and not ignore them like most people seem to do. Even if I don't know the answer to your question, I will at least tell you "I don't know". And any comments or suggestions for this site are greatly appreciated. I can't put what you want to see on this site unless you tell me what it is you want to see.

I will try to get as many interesting topics on my page as I can. It seems many people who look at electrical related sites just want to see lots of schematics. I think it is better to learn about electronics, then design your own things, rather than just make an electrical device straight off a schematic drawing having no idea what everything is doing there. So I will always try to explain everything on my site, rather than say, "oh, this is cool, I can't explain it that good, so just build it and see what happens".

Some future plans I have for this site would be to add a section that explains the basics of electricity, an electronics glossary, tools used in electronics, and additions to all of the sections already listed.

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