9 JUN 00 | Notification of Patent Award
5 JUN 00 | Web Pages Submitted to Search Engines and Web Rings
Web page development complete for all but links to download DDIs and corresponding documentation. Enabling of these links is pending based on feedback from legal counsel. |
MAY 00 | Notification of Trademark Protection
The USPTO issues a Certificate of Trademark Registration for "Direct Device Interface". The registration number is 2,349,155 |
MAR 00 | Business Plan Review
To obtain feedback from the investment community, the business plan is presented to attendees of an international investment forum, venture capitalists, and an economics professor. |
JAN 00 | Business Plan Kickoff
Kickoff meeting held to begin development of a business plan and product roadmap based on our core technology. Salient features of the business plan are as follows:
NOV 99 | Continuation-In-Part Application
A continuation-in-part application entitled "Application Program Interface To Physical Devices" (Serial Number 09/002.818) is filed to remove several technical flaws that could be used to attack the original patent. The new patent application keeps the filing date of the original application. |
MAR 99 | Ben Franklin Technology Center
Interstate Robotics' core technology is presented to the Ben Franklin Technology Center sponsored by the State of Pennsylvania. We are basically told that software solutions which lack synergy with Sun Microsystem or Microsoft current product lines have no value in the market place. |
FEB 99 | Dem/Val Program
Successful completion of a program to develop the DDIs needed to provide an interface to the PXC200 Color Image Acquisition Board manufactured by Imagenation . In addition to board in order to demonstrate and validate that:
SEP 98 | Visual Program Tool
Visual programming tool development is complete after integration with a Graphics Device Interface (GDI) and Timing Device Interface (TDI), implemented as DDIs to the video graphics adapter and 8253/8254 timer chips, respectively. |
APR 97 | Incorporation
The principals form Interstate Robotics, a type S corporation in the State of Delaware. |
FEB 97 | Preliminary Patent Application
Preliminary patent application entitled “System and Method For Providing A Device Interface” (Serial Number 60/038.887) is filed with the USPTO. |
MAR 96 | Change of Plan
Recognizing that DDIs . . .
JAN 96 | Sentry Robot Development Kickoff
Working in a small room in the basement next to the water meter, the principals begin developing algorithms, software components, and a visual programming tool for a mobile sentry robot. By introducing design requirements on the speed, response time, resource utilization, design tolerances, and other characteristics of software providing the application layer (application programs, applets, and threads) with an interface to physical devices and using simple results from queuing theory, it was discovered that significant technical improvements are possible relative to the prior art. Specifically, it is possible to simultaneously reduce code size, achieve determinism, minimize computer resource utilization, and maximize speed by combining the device driver and corresponding API into a single dynamically linked component called a Direct Device Interface (DDI). Functional requirements indicated that DDIs were needed to develop data acquisition and display components for the visual programming tool. |