Micr0$oft SUCKS! Who needs it...not I! A FRAMES FREE INET! MAX does not like wintels'! His father was an AMIGA!

AMIGA Browser! AMIGA Browser!

From this point on ALL Images will be in either JPG (JPEG/JFIF), GIF-ANIM, or PNG (PiNG) format.
There will not be ANY pictures using the GIF format for Single Pictures. GIF IS obsolite!
So if you're still using a Browser that doesn't handle the PNG format then it's time to find another one that does.
If you use a TEXT browser like ALynx or Lynx, you'll be fine. :) If you're using an AMIGA with Workbench 2.1 or Older, it's time to UPGRADE to Workbench 3.1 then to Workbench 3.5 which supports DataTypes, thus PNG. But you'll need to DOWNLOAD a PNG DataType & install it.
If you use M$'s Internet Explorer then switch to NetScape's browser. Using UAE won't even allow you to do everything a Real AMIGA can do.

Enter All Of These Pages Are... Here. MAX KNOWS the Power of the AMIGA!