Qwerty to Dvorak Online Converter

Type in this box: and your text will appear below.  
Check this box to start converting. Currently, the converter is: Status

  1. Ramon has written an updated version with more functionality (tabs, arrow keys, etc).
  2. Using a Qwerty-based keyboard, you can type in the little box and your text will appear dvorakly in the big box. Click in the big box to copy and paste your text into another application.
  3. With the recent upgrade to version 2.0, there should be no need to use the checkboxes or buttons. Just click in the box you want to edit. However, I left the buttons around in case some people like using them.
  4. If you hit 2 keys at the exact same time, neither one of them will appear.
  5. The Backspace key (on your keyboard) now works thanks to Scott Kathrein. So you no longer need the Backspace button I created. My thanks go out to him!
  6. This version is compatible with IE 6.0 and Mozilla 1.6. I have not tested other versions.
  7. If you liked version 1 better, I still have a copy of it on-line.
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